Napoleon Timeline

  • Italian Campaign βœ…

    Italian Campaign βœ…
    An attack from General Napoleon on the Austrian and Piedmontese armies, in which the armies surrendered and were forced out of Italy. This boosted Napoleons confidence and set him up for more success.
  • Egyptian Campaign 🟑

    Egyptian Campaign 🟑
    Napoleon led an exhibition to Egypt in hopes of disrupting British trade with India. Although this resulted in disastrous losses for Napoleon, he was able to hide these stories from his supporters in France. These "successes" drove Napoleon's ambition.
  • Consulate βœ…

    Consulate βœ…
    Napoleon made the move from general to leader when he helped to overthrow the Directory. Napoleon then set up a three-man governing board known as the Consulate.
  • Banque de France βœ…

    Banque de France βœ…
    Napoleon created this bank to help recover and boost the economy in France. It began successful but was later shutdown.
  • Concordat of 1801 βœ…

    Concordat of 1801 βœ…
    Napoleon made peace with the Catholic church in the concordat of 1801. The Concordat helped keep the church under the state's control but also recognized religious freedoms for Catholics.
  • Consul for Life βœ…

    Consul for Life βœ…
    Napoleon took the title First Consul and then named himself consul for life in after devising a new constitution that legislated a succession to rule for his son.
  • Napoleonic Code βœ…

    Napoleonic Code βœ…
    A new code of law introduced by Napoleon. These new laws embodied Enlightenment principles such as equality for all and religious toleration. This new code effectively undid some of the reforms of the French Revolution that had granted women rights.
  • Declared Himself Emperor βœ…

    Declared Himself Emperor βœ…
    Napoleon had gained enough power to declare himself Emperor of the French. He had an extravagant coronation in Paris in which the pope was invited. Napoleon took the crown from the pope's hands before placing it on his head to signify that he was the only one in power.
  • Battle of Trafalgar ❌

    Battle of Trafalgar ❌
    This battle was fought off the southwest coast of Spain as Napoleon prepared to invade England. As a result of Britain's superior navy, British Admiral Horatio Nelson was able to annihilate the French fleet.
  • Abolishes Holy Roman Empire βœ…

    Abolishes Holy Roman Empire βœ…
    Napoleon dissolved the Holy Roman Empire after Francis II abdicated following a military defeat by the French Army. Napoleon then reorganized the empire into the Confederation of the Rhine.
  • Warfare Through the Continental System 🟑

    Warfare Through the Continental System 🟑
    With invasion out of the question, Napoleon turned to economic warfare against Britain. He waged warfare through the Continental System, which closed European ports to British goods. Britain responded with its own closure of ports. The seizure of American (neutral) ships triggered the War of 1812. This continental system resulted in heavy economic losses for Europe and a slight decline for the British economy.
  • Resistance in Spain ❌

    Resistance in Spain ❌
    After Napoleon made reforms to undermine the Spanish Catholic Church, Spaniards resisted and were met with French forces. These French forces further inflamed Spanish nationalism causing Spanish patriots to conduct guerilla warfare campaigns. These ambushes held a large number of French troops in Spain while Napoleon needed them elsewhere.
  • Invasion of Russia ❌

    Invasion of Russia ❌
    After the Tsar withdrew his support of the Continental system, Napoleon assembled the Grand Army made up of soldiers from 20 nations and invaded Russia in 1812. Russians burned crops and villages to damage the invading army. By September, Napoleon entered Moscow but was quickly turned home after realizing his army couldn't survive the harsh Russian winter. Most of the Grand Army was killed while retreating from Moscow.
  • Battle of Nations at Leipzig ❌

    Battle of Nations at Leipzig ❌
    After Napoleon's disastrous loss in Russia, Britain, Austria, Prussia, and Russia formed an alliance against France. This new alliance defeated Napoleon in the Battle of the Nations at Leipzig in 1813.
  • Brief Abdication 🟑

    Brief Abdication  🟑
    The year after Napoleon’s defeat in the Battle of the Nations at Leipzig, Napoleon abdicated and was exiled to Elba, an island in the Mediterranean. France then recognized Louis XVIII as king. As many citizens began to fear a return to the old regime, support for Napoleon was rekindled. As the Allies were gathered in Vienna, Napoleon escaped and returned to France with full support. Louis XVIII fled and Napoleon was back in power.
  • Period: to

    Hundred Days 🟑

    The "Hundred Days" marked the period of time between Napoleon's return from exile and the restoration of King Louis XVIII. During this period of time includes the Battle of Waterloo.
  • Waterloo ❌

    Waterloo ❌
    British and Prussian forces crushed the French army in Waterloo after having reassembled their forces.
  • Abdication ❌

    Abdication ❌
    After having been defeated at Waterloo, Napoleon was forced to abdicate and was once again exiled, this time to St. Helena, an island in the South Atlantic.