Napoleon i 9420291 2 402

Napoleon's Timeline By: Emily

  • Napoleon was born in Corsica, France

  • Napoleon got into Brienne

    France financed a scholarship for Napoleon to the military college of Brienne in France.
  • Napoleon went to the Ecole Militaire

    Napoleon moved on to the Ecole Militaire, a French military academy
  • Napoleon graduated from a French military academy

    Napoleon graduated from a French military academy
  • Napoleon receives the new rank of brigadier general

    Napoleon receives the new rank of brigadier general
  • Napoleon is imprisoned

    Napoleon is imprisoned under suspicion of being a Jacobin and a supporter of Robespierre.
  • Napoleon made his entrance on the French political state

    Napoleon made his entrance on the French political state
  • Egyptian Campaign

  • Napoleon becomes a political leader

  • The Constitution of the Year VIII

    The Constitution of the Year VIII was accepted by the popular vote
  • Napoleon drove out the Austrians

    Napoleon drove out the Austrians in 1800 solidifying his hero's reputation
  • Treaty of Amiens

    Treaty of Amiens was created to create peace with Britain
  • The USA purchased Louisiana from France

    The USA purchased Louisiana from France
  • Battle of Trafalgar

  • Battle of Austerlitz

  • Austria and Prussia defeated France

    Austria and Prussia defeated France in the Battle of Nations at Leipzig
  • Napoleon is abdicated from power

  • Battle of Waterloo

    Battle of Waterloo, Napoleon was defeated by the British and Prussian armies. Napoleon is accused of being a coward