Napoleon's Rise and Fall Timeline

By 20WolfM
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    Loss of American Territories

    When the idea of the Revolution came around to the colonies, they demanded the same rights as the people of France. The people took over and Napoleon's army tried to take over, but they were unsuccessful. President Jefferson bought the land for $15 million.
  • Coup D'état

    Coup D'état
    The Government lost political power. Napoleon's followers told him to take the political power. He did so and became the Dictator of France.
  • Concordat

    An agreement that was signed so that the Church would have power, but not during national affairs.
  • Napoleonic Code

    Napoleonic Code
    This was a system of law that was created by Napoleon and his government. It gave the country a uniform set of laws and it eliminated many injustices.
  • Napoleon Crowned as Emperor

    Napoleon Crowned as Emperor
    This was when Napoleon was officially crowned as the leader of France. It occurred at the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris
  • Conquering of Europe

    Conquering of Europe
    Napoleon looked to controlling Europe rather than the colonies. He did so with ease, crushing his foes. The only country that he was having trouble with was Great Britain.
  • The Continental System

    The Continental System
    Napoleon created a blockade to stop any trade with other European countries. This was so Europe would become more self-sufficient and so Great Britain's economy from trade would be destroyed.
  • The Invasion of Russia

    The Invasion of Russia
    One of Napoleon's biggest mistakes. The leaders of Russia would not stop trading with Great Britain and France decided to invade. They were not successful. Many soldiers died from battles, but also from cold, hunger and exhaustion.
  • Waterloo

    Was a battle where British forces help back the French army near Waterloo in Belgium. They defended for over a day until they got help from the Prussian army. With the army, they drove back the French forces.
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    The Hundred Days

    The time when Napoleon was taken to St. Helena, a remote island in the South Atlantic. He was exiled there for 6 years and died from stomach ailment.