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Napoleon's Rise and Fall

  • Coup D’état (blow to the state)

    Coup D’état (blow to the state)
    Napoleon commanded troops to surround the legislature and force the members out. The people that didn't leave voted to get rid of the Directory. Because the Directory was gone they needed some order in France, there were three consuls formed. Napoleon took the position of the first consul and became a dictator.
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    Napoleon's Accomplishments

    Napoleon accomplished many things during his years as leader and Emperor of France. He seized power from the Directory, ruled France, became Emperor, created an empire, won countless battles, changed France, and gave hope to the people of France when they had none.
  • Concordat

    A concordat is an agreement. Napoleon signed a concordat with Pope Pius VII creating a new relationship with the church and the government. It said that the state would recognize the importance and influence of the church, but the church couldn't be a part of national affairs.
  • Loss of American Territories

    Loss of American Territories
    Napoleon sold the Louisiana Territory to President Jefferson for $15 million after slaves and planters in Saint Domingue rebelled for the rights. From the sale he got money, but he also gave England a rival by increasing the United States' land amount.
  • Napoleonic Code

    Napoleonic Code
    The Napoleonic Code was a series of laws that got rid of many injustices. It restricted freedom of speech and freedom of press and restored slavery in France's colonies in the Caribbean.
  • Napoleon becomes Emperor

    Napoleon becomes Emperor
    Napoleon decided to become Emperor and all of France supported him. Instead of the pope placing the crown on his head, he took the crown from the pope's hands and placed the crown on his head himself. By crowning himself and not having the pope do it, Napoleon showed people that he was now more powerful than the church, because normally the pope would crown the new ruler.
  • Conquering of Europe

    Conquering of Europe
    Napoleon wanted to expand further than he already had, so Great Britain convinced Russia, Austria, and Sweden to join them against France.
  • Continental System

    Continental System
    Napoleon set up blockades to prevent Great Britain from trading with other European countries. He called this the Continental System, because he intended to make Europe more self-sufficient and ruin Great Britan's economy.
  • Invasion of Russia

    Invasion of Russia
    Napoleon and Alexander I, the czar of Russia, had become allies but Napoleon had wanted Russia to stop selling grain to Great Britain, and the czar refused. The alliance was becoming weak, so Napoleon decided to invade Russia. He had about 420,000 soldiers with him and Alexander had his troops fall back because it would be an unequal battle. When the Russian troops receded, Alexander had them practice the scorched-earth policy, where they burnt fields so there was nothing left for France.
  • The Hundred Days

    The Hundred Days
    Napoleon's last bid for power was called the Hundred Days. He was banished to Elba, and island off Italy's coast, but he escaped when he heard of the problems the new king, King Louis XVIII, was having with the peasants. Napoleon soon had an army of peasants and in a couple days, he had become Emperor of France again. Countries of Europe allied with each other and attacked Napoleon's army in Belgium. Napoleon and his army were defeated.
  • Battle of Waterloo

    Battle of Waterloo
    Napoleon had formed an army of peasants and in a couple days, he had become Emperor of France again. Countries of Europe allied with each other and attacked Napoleon's army in Belgium. The British army fought all day, and soon the Prussian army arrived. The battle lasted two days, but in the end, Napoleon and his army were defeated.