
Napoleon Project

  • Napoleon's birth

    Napoleon's birth
    Napoleon was born on the 15th of August in 1769 in Ajaccio, France.
  • Napoleon becomes a Brigadier General

    Napoleon becomes a Brigadier General
    Napoleon became a Brigadier General after impressing his higher up's when taking action to protect the National Convention's delegates against an angry mob of royalist's. This event was known as the "Siege of Toulon"
  • Campaign in Italy

    Campaign in Italy
    Napoleon's army invaded Italy to get rid of all anti revolutionaries that were forming there. This was important because it was a knocking blow to Italy's army, and it also got France a step closer to total control of Continental Europe.
  • Campaign in Egypt

    Campaign in Egypt
    Napoleon's campaign in Egypt was to weaken British trade routes with other countries and British colonies like British India, but it was a disaster for the French.
  • First Counsel for Life

    First Counsel for Life
    Napoleon became a First Counsel at a very young age, 30! He fixed many things that the revolution left behind like giving the church the freedom it deserved, the french people quickly forgot about the disastrous campaign in Egypt, because he did a great job.
  • Concordat

    The Concordat gave Catholic churches in France it's land back, political independence, and the calendar was restored. This also made a lot of people happy like the peasant's on France.
  • Emperor of the French

    Emperor of the French
    On the 14th of May 1804 the senate of France crowned Napoleon "Emperor of the French" this was important because now he had full control France's land's and colonies.
  • Napoleonic Code

    Napoleonic Code
    Napoleonic Code was a set of civil laws set by Napoleon I. He did not allow people to be born into poverty, everyone had a chance to get rich and poor, and also government jobs were offered to the most qualified and not the richest.
  • Battle of Trafalgar

    Battle of Trafalgar
    The Battle of Trafalgar was when the Spanish and French naval fleets fought against the royal navy which was lead by Lord Nelson. This battle was fought off the coast of Spain. This was a major defeat to the French and Spanish navy.
  • Continental System

    Continental System
    The continental system was created by Napoleon. This system was to create a blockade against the British, so they couldn't trade with other countries. This was a failed system because some countries did not care like Russia. Also the British blocked all French and American trade which hurt France a lot.
  • Campaign in Russia

    Campaign in Russia
    The campaign in Russia was a struggle for France's army to defeat and take over Russia, little did Napoleon know the Russian winter was coming. This was the deadliest blow to the Grande Armee because they came in with 600,000 men and left with 10,000 fit for combat.
  • Elba

    After his major defeat in Russia Napoleon is exiled to Elba, an island near Italy, but he get's bored and escapes back to France where the French army proudly await's him. He becomes leader of France again.
  • Waterloo

    Napoleon's first battle since he was exiled was in Waterloo, but he again was defeated and exiled once more. This time for good.
  • St. Helena

    St. Helena
    As a British prisoner Napoleon is exiled to St. Helena, an island in the South Atlantic Ocean.
  • Death of Napoleon

    Death of Napoleon
    On the 5th of May 1821 Napoleon was finally dead, on the island of St. Helena, his death was caused by stomach ulcer's