
  • Italian Campaign

    Italian Campaign
    It was Napoleons first victory in his military career. He got most of Northern Italy for France when he won. Green
  • Egyptian Campaign

    Egyptian Campaign
    It was a major loss for Napoleon and the French army was hurt badly. When Napoleon came back to France he lied and said it was a success making the French people have faith in him. Yellow
  • Consulate

    A government system made of three men who came together to make a new constitution, and overthrew the old directory. Yellow
  • Banque de France

    Banque de France
    Napoleon made the Bank of France to try to fix the French economy after the damage that was done from the revolution. Green
  • Concordat of 1801

    Concordat of 1801
    Made peace with the Catholic Church, and made being Catholic the main religion of the French people. Also the pope took back some church lands.
  • Consul for life

    Consul for life
    Being consul for life means that Napoleon had his job as emperor for the rest of his life, and it was able to be passed down to his son when he dies. Green
  • Napoleonic Code

    Napoleonic Code
    Created equality of people before the law, and religious toleration. It undid some things from the revolution like woman's rights. Yellow
  • Declared Emperor

    Declared Emperor
    Napoleon had his ceremony at Notre Dame and crowned himself emperor on his own instead of letting the pope put the crown on him. Green
  • Battle of Trafalgar

    Battle of Trafalgar
    The French tried to attack the British army, but the French navy was too week and they were defeated by the British. Red
  • Abolished the Holy Roman Empire

    Abolished the Holy Roman Empire
    Napoleon had control over much of Europe, and because of this he was able to destroy the Holy Roman Empire. 38 member confederation of the Rhine. Green
  • Continental System

    Continental System
    Banned trade with Britain and France because Napoleon hoped to hurt the British economy. Green
  • Resistance in Spain

    Resistance in Spain
    Napoleon went to Spain because he wanted to undo the reformation, but more than half of the French soldiers were captured. Red
  • Invasion of Russia

    Invasion of Russia
    The French were in Russia throughout their brutal winter and they were not prepared for the conditions. Russians burned down cities making it impossible for French to survive without any food or shelter in the winter. Red
  • Battle of Nations at Leipzig

    Battle of Nations at Leipzig
    Napoleon and the French allies lost to Russia, Prussia, Austria and Sweden. The French lost a lot of their land after this. Red
  • Hundred Days

    Hundred Days
    It began with Napoleons march to Paris in victory and showed his return to French ruling. It ended with his loss at Waterloo. Green
  • Waterloo

    This was Napoleons final big loss, and after this he was forced to resign. The British forces destroyed the French. Red
  • Abdication

    Abdication means to step down from ruling power. When Napoleon stepped down he went to Elba to be away from France. Red