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Napoleon Bonaparte Timeline

  • Napoleons Birth

    Napoleons Birth
    He was born in Ajaccio, France. He was the fourth out of 11 kids and his parents were Carlo Buonaparte Letizia Romolino.
  • Military

    Napoleon attends military school at the Royal Military School in Brienne.
  • Storming of the Bastille

    Storming of the Bastille
    In Paris, France the Batille prison was attacked by angry common people. It represented royal authority in the centre of Paris.
  • Napoleon becomes Brigadier General

    Napoleon  becomes Brigadier General
    Napoleon gets promoted to Brigadier General becauase he was sucessful for the French army at the Siege of Toulon.
  • Napolon becomes Commander in Chief

    Napolon becomes Commander in Chief
    Mapoleon becomes Commander in Cheif of the Army of Interior because General Paul Barraas recommends Napoleon. The promotion makes him rich and famous.
  • coup d’état

    coup d’état
    This was a overthrow of the French government. It helped Napoleon take charge of a failing governement.
  • vote for consulship for life

    vote for consulship for life
    Napoleon gets rid of the Directory, then he apoints himself and two other people to be part of the council which was a new form of leadership. They had power of France for around 5 years.
  • Napoleon signed concordat

    Napoleon signed concordat
    It was an agreement between Napoleon and Pope Pius VII. The agreement repaired the relationship between the church and the state of France
  • sale of Louisiana to United States

    France tried to get back their former wealth by selling the Lousiana territory to the United States for $15 million. This purchased nearly doubled the size of the U.S
  • proclaimed Emperor Napoleon I

    Napoleon crowns himself Emporer of France. He holds a ceremony at the Notre Dame in Paris.
  • continental blockade

    Napoleon made a navel blockade to prevent the French Empire from trading with Brtiain, This was part of the Continental System.
  • Napoleon’s son born

    Napoleon first son is born. He is named Napoleon II.
  • Napoleon is exiled to Elba

    Napoleon has made several big mistakes which causes the people to start disliking him. Eventually they exile him to an island called Elba.
  • Napoleon escapes from Elba

    Napoleon finds a way to escape the Island. When he returns to France he takes over the military and governement.
  • defeated at Waterloo

    Napoleon was defeated by two armies of the Seventh Coalition. They were an Anglo-allied army and a Prussian army. Th Anglo-allied army was commanded by the Duke of Wellington and the Prussia army was under the command of Gebhard Leberecht von Blücher.
  • arrives at St. Helena

    This time the people of France exiled him to St. Helena. They did this to ensure that he won't escape.
  • date of death

    They suspect that Napoleon died six years after being exiled from stomache cancer.