Napoleon was Born
Napoleon Bonaparte was born on this day and it marked a change in the world. Where europe will experience one of the most influental leader France will have and emperor of France. (Henderson 1-2) -
Birth of a famous composer
Beethoven was born in 1770 and he will greatly influence Europe and there music with his symphonys. He eventually died in 1827 Napoleon grew up with him as well. Napoleon actually liked some of his symphonies. (www.rff.com/timeline_composers.htm) -
Industrial Revolution
The Industrial revolution started in 1775 in America while Napoleon was In France. There were many inventions that helped out Europe. Like the Cotton gin and the telegraph and it sparked even more inventions later on. (americanhistory.about.com) -
The spark to the French Revolution
The storming of Bastille is the battle that finally ignites the French Revolution. The French Revolution is where Napoleon was able to show himself in battle as a lutinent and slowly moved up in his ranks in his artillery brigade. (Henderson 1-2) -
Napoleon gets married
Napoleon was romantically linked to Josphine de Beauharnais and married her right before Italy and after they finally got married Napoleon started his Italian campaign. (Henderson 1-2) -
Egyptian Campaign
This campaign is one of the first that Napoleon directed and was in charge of it. It was the beginning to Napoleon becoming politically important and, where he will also gain a position in the republic. Such as a consul member. (Henderson 1-2) -
Beethoven begins writing
Ludwig Beethoven began writing his first composition in this year. It was the start to the music he will wright in thefuture and change how the world listens to and interpets music. (www.lvbeethoven.com) -
Lightbulb was invented
The first electric lightbulb was invented in the1800s by an European scientist Humphry Davy. Electricty was invented and all that but the first lightbulb that used elctricity was built then and that completley changed the landscape of electrical developments and developments to the world. (www.enchantedlearning.com) -
Napoleon consul for life.
After the French Revolution ended France changed their government into a republic just like the Romans. Napoleon would later be appointed as one of the consul. The people lovd him so much hebecame consul for life kind of like Julius Ceaser. This would mark the start to him becoming emperor and forming an empire. (Henderson 1-2) -
Napoleonic Code
the Napoleonic Code was a set of laws the people under the rule of Napoleon had to follow. The laws were civil rights laws. They consitited of rules of marriage police politics and every day life. (Henderson 1-2) -
Napoleon Emperor
This was a very important day for the fate of the future in france. Npoleon now had complete rule over france after prooving himself in many crusades and wars. Napoleon will finally be able to do what he wants to do which could be good or bad. (henderson1-2) -
boycott on british trade
Britian had there good times and bad times with France. So when Britian crossed the line again Napoleon declares the continental system. Which is when France wasn't allowed to trade with Britian and only with the actual land mass of Europe not the island of Britian. (Henderson 1-2) -
Robert Fulton made the first buisness with steamboat transportation on the hudson river during the industrial revolution in america. It changed the way peopletraveled across water. You where able to float upstream downstream across water etc. (americanhistory.about.com) -
Seventh Sympohny
Beethoven has now written seven of nine symphonys. It was based off of the war that was declared on france and he will later write the eighth sympony and the perform it publicly too. (www.lvbeethoven.com) -
Loss of control in his empire
Napoleon was defeated in the battle of the nations in Leipzig and he loss control of his empire. this was the start of two years before Napoleon would be in and out of power. this is basically the downfall to his empire. (Henderson1-2) -
Napoleon dies. His death wasnt good or honored he was bannished twice and after his second banishment hhe finally died. Then france will be left trying to recover there economy and government.(Henderson1-2)