Napoleon Bonaparte Time Line

  • Birth of Napoleon

  • Period: to

    Napoleon Bonaparte

  • Becomes officer in French artillery Officer

  • Becomes a General in the French Army

  • The Napoleonic Code is The code forbade privileges based on birth, allowed freedom of religion, and specified that government jobs should go to the most qualified.

  • Concordat signed and It sought national reconciliation between revolutionaries and Catholics and solidified the Roman Catholic Church as the majority church of France.

  • First Consul for Life and established himself as the head of a more liberal, authoritarian, autocratic, and centralized republican government in France while not declaring himself head of state.

  • Napoleon becomes head of the French state, establishes the consulate

  • Napoleon declare's himself emperor.

  • Trafalgar and a Naval engagement fought by the Royal Navy against the combined fleets of the French and Spanish Navies.

  • Continental System and paralyzed Great Britain through the destruction of British commerce.

  • Campaign in Russia and Napoleon's Grande Armée crossed the Neman River in an attempt to engage and defeat the Russian army.

  • Napoleon Bonaparte was exiled to St. Helena.

  • Congress of Vienna and a conference of ambassadors of European states.

  • Napoleon Bonaparte escapes from St. Helena.

  • Congress of Vienna ends.

  • The battle of Waterloo and the final defeat of French military leader and emperor Napoleon Bonaparte.

  • Death of Napoleon