
Napoleon Bonaparte

  • Napoleon Bonaparte

    Napoleon Bonaparte
    The date when Napoleon was born
  • Military Academy

    Military Academy
    Napoleon Bonaparte begins study at the royal military academy which resulted in him being able to fight in the French Revolution
  • Siege of Toulon

    Siege of Toulon
    Napoleon Bonaparte had his first chance to demonstrate his new loyalty at Toulon he won the first major military victory of his career and he was promoted to brigadier general and he was only 24 years old
  • Josephine

    Napoleon's growing status was opening other doors too. After a brief engagement, in March he married Josephine
  • Commander in Italy

    Commander in Italy
    Two days after his marriage, Napoleon left. His loyalty to the Directory had been rewarded with a new post as commander in chief of the Army of Italy
  • Coup d'etat

    Coup d'etat
    Napoleon quickly made his mark. His military victories made him a legend and his civic reforms changed France forever.By 1802 Napoleon had succeeded in winning peace. The Austrians had been defeated again in Italy and Germany and Britain quickly tired of standing alone against him.
  • Emperor

    Napoleon's hard-won but short-lived peace had made him consul for life. Conflict at home and abroad now put a crown on his head opponents of the regime hiding in England were smuggled back to France. They hoped to assassinate Napoleon and restore the monarchy. He even persuaded the Pope to attend his coronation and witness the moment when Napoleon crowned himself emperor.
  • Death in exile

    Death in exile
    News of his family was scarce. Of his son, now living in Vienna, he heard nothing. His life was now one of monotonous tedium. He ate, he played cards, he wrote. He also dictated the memoirs that would help re-forge his legacy after his death from suspected stomach cancer in 1821 and he was only 51 years old