Napoleon Bonaparte

  • Birth Date

    Napoleon was born on August 15, 1769.
  • Entering military school

    Napoleon enters French military schoolat age nine.
  • The storming of the Bastille

    Napoleon leads the storming of the Bastille, this is the mark of the beginning of the French revolution
  • becomes Brigadier General

    At this time, Napoleon was promoted to Brigadier general. This position is the rank between colonel and major general.
  • becomes Commander in Chief

    By this time, Napoleon was given the control of the French army.
  • Period: to

    Napoloenic Era

  • coup d’état

    The coup d’état marked the beginning of the Napoleonic era. This was when Napoleon overthrew the Directory and established the French Consulate.
  • concordat signed

    This was an agreement between Napoleon and Pope Pius VII, it stated that the Roman Catholic church was the majority church of France. Also it sought national reconciliation between revolutionaries and Catholics.
  • vote for consulship for life

    Napoleon was the first consul, and he established himself as the head of the government is France but did not declare himself as head of state.
  • sale of Louisiana to United States

    The United States makes the Louisiana purchase. Later on this causes conflict between Britain and France who then engage in the seven years war (French and Indianwar).
  • proclaimed Emperor Napoleon I

    Napoleon Boaparte crowns himself emporer, under the pope's supervision and not nescessarily his blessing.
  • continental blockade

    During this, Napoleon attempeted to stop Britians export, and re-export trade with Europe. This was one of his first mistakes.
  • Napoleon’s son born

    Francois Joseph Charles Bonaparte, also known as Napoleon II, was born on this day. This was Napoleon's only son.
  • Napoleon is exiled to Elba

    Napoleons forces broke, and he offered to step down for his son rejected the offer and Napoleon got exiled to Elba, an island.
  • escapes from Elba

    Napoleon escapes from Elba and returns to France to rule for the "hundred day period."
  • defeated at Waterloo

    Waterloo was a very bloody battle that initially signaled the end of France’s domination of Europe.
  • arrives at St. Helena

    Napoleon is once again exiled to St. Helena after ten weeks at sea, and carful consideration of a place where he could not escape.
  • date of death

    Napoleon dies from an advanced case of gastric cancer. So unfortunate.....