Ingres  napoleon on his imperial throne

Napoleon Bonaparte

By 19mwise
  • Birth

    Napoleon Bonaparte was born on August 15, 1769, in Ajaccio, France.
  • Period: to

    Napoleon Bonaparte

  • Entering Militray School

    Entering Militray School
    On May 15, 1779, Napoleon enters cadet school at Brienne-le-Château.
  • Storming of Bastille

    Storming of Bastille
    On July 14, 1789, in Paris, France, the Storming of Bastille occurred. The prison became a symbol of the monarchy's dictorial rule.
  • Becomes Brigadier General

    Becomes Brigadier General
    On December 22, 1793, Napoleon gets promoted to the rankof Bridaier General due to his clever tactical command during a battle.
  • Becomes Comander in Chief

    Becomes Comander in Chief
    Napoleon becomes Comander in Chief of the French army in Italy some time in March, 1796.
  • Coup D’état

    Coup D’état
    The coup d’état overthrew the system of government under the Directory in France, substituting the Consulate, which made way for the depotism of Napoleon.
  • Vote for Consulship foor Life

    Vote for Consulship foor Life
    Napoleon gave citizens a feeling that France was governed once by a real statesman, and that a competent government was finally in charge.
  • Concordat Signed

    Concordat Signed
    The Concordat was an agreement between Napoleon and Pope Pius VII that sought nation reconciliation between revolutionaries and Catholics and solidified the Catholic Church. It was signed on Jul 15, 1801.
  • Sale of Louisiana to United States

    Sale of Louisiana to United States
    The Louisiana purchase was an expansion of the United States when they purchased more land from France. The sale started on July 4, 1803, and finished on October 1, 1804.
  • Proclaimed Emperor Napoleon I

    Proclaimed Emperor Napoleon I
    In Paris, Napoleon crowned himself emporer, the first French man to hold the title of emperor in a thousand years.
  • Continental Blockade

    Continental Blockade
    The foreign policy of Napoleon in his struggle against Great Britain during the Napoleonic Wars.
  • Napoleon's Son Born

    Napoleon's Son Born
    Francois Joseph Charles Bonaparte was born on March 20, 1811. He was also known as Napoleon II.
  • Napoleon is Exiled to Elba

    Napoleon is Exiled to Elba
    Napoleon retreated to Paris where he was forced to renounce his throne on April 11, 1814.
  • Escaped From Elba

    Escaped From Elba
    Napoleon made and escape from his exile to Elba before being sent to an Island in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean on February 26, 1815.
  • Defeated at Waterloo

    Defeated at Waterloo
    On June 18, 1815, the French army was defeated by the British and Prussians at the Battle of Waterloo. This event marked the final defeat of Napoleon.
  • Arrives at St. Helena

    Arrives at St. Helena
    After his final defeat at Waterloo, Napoleon was sent across the sea to the reaches of the South Atlantic, and arrived at St. Helena, where stayed with a British family.
  • Death

    Napoleon died on May 5, 1821 on the island of St. Helena. An autopsy at the time cited stomach cancer as the cause.