Napoleon 420

Napoleon Bonaparte

  • Napoloen is born.

    Napoloen is born.
    The great emperor and general is born. Napoleon was born on a island of Corsica not far from France. Napoleon would later become a great emperor and a great general.
  • Period: to


  • World event

    World event
    Napoleon was alive when the Boston Massacre occured. The Boston Massecre occured in the United States of America when the Brittish still had controll over us. This event was when the Americian were yelling and throwing ice and snow at the redcoats. The Brittish responded by shooting into a crowd of people and killing them.
  • world event

    world event
    The Americian Revolution starts. The Americians really wanted the Brittish out of their land so they went to war with them for many years. George Washginton was the leaader of this revoution. The Americians were able to kick the Brittish out of the United States of America and stay independent.
  • world event

    world event
    The great composer Beethoven's first work fas prInted, Beethoven was a somewhat deaf compser made many works, but this one was gis most important because it got him noticed by pople and he was able to become famous over the years he wrote music. Beethoven was probabitly one of the best composer's ever to live.
  • Napoleon becomes an officer in the army.

    Napoleon becomes an officer in the army.
    Napoleon starts his carrier in the army at a very young age. He will eventually climb through the ranks to get to the general. Napoleon became an offiecer at only 16 years of age and was sent into Military School at 10 years of aage.the exact date couild not be found.
  • world event

    world event
    Bank of America was first opened in Philadelphia. This was the first bank of the present time very large change of banks. Bank of America in the lat 1700's was mostly to extange money form state to the other state that a person was going to. The bank also had a good amount of money.
  • Napoleon goes to egypt

    Napoleon goes to egypt
    Napoeon wanted the whole world for France. Napoleon really wanted egypt so he could trade with India so much easier. Napoleon sailed to egyot with 35,000 men and was trapped there with his men because of the Brittish Navy was also in the area and wanted to fight. Napoleon being brave bailed on his army and went back to
  • Napoleon on First Consul.

    Napoleon on First Consul.
    Napoleon made himself First consul for life. Napoleon promised that he wouldn't leacve his posision. Napoleon later not keep this promise. Napoleon was able to be first consul for about two years until he became emperor.
  • Napoleon becomes emperor.

    Napoleon becomes emperor.
    Napoleon takes power after saying that he would be in the first consul for life. Napoleon lies so he could climb up the ranks and become the emperor of france that much easier. Napoleon wins many wars in his reign but also losses some which get the people very annoyed. Napoleon was only 35.
  • world event

    world event
    Humphry Davy discovers the electrolytic Method for preparation of ptassium and soda. This major discovery of this preparation woud mean that soda would not have been created for a couple more years.
  • Napoleon gets power hungry

    Napoleon gets power hungry
    Napoleon makes himself surpreme ruler of all of France. Napoleon got very power hungry and made a lot of changes that people like and disliked. Napoleon was certain that everyone loved him but a mear three years later he got exiled from his country.
  • 3rd world event

    3rd world event
    The War of 1812 was when the Brittish was still angry at the Americians so they went to war with them again. This was more of a naval war than a land war. The Brittish have an amazing Navy and America didn't. America was able to beat probablitly the best navy in the world at the time.
  • Napleon Battle of Leipzig

    Napleon Battle of Leipzig
    Napoleon and his men were fighting the Germans in a battle. The Germans had three other armies on his side and Napoleon was on his own with his army. The French were outnumbered and lost.
  • 1st exile

    1st exile
    Napoleon was exiled to the island of Elba in the Mediterranean Sea. Napoleon was intended to stay there and not come back to France, but the brave man got back to France. Napoleon declared himself as emperor again.
  • Napoleon at Batlle of Waterloo

    Napoleon at Batlle of Waterloo
    Napoleon was forced into this battle. Napoleon had to fight the Prussian Army. Napoleon had lost to this army before because they were apart of the Leipzig battle. Napoleon was in a very bad spot to be in because he jst escaped from his exile to show he could do more. If Napoleon lost he would get exiled again. Napoleom lost this war.
  • 2nd exile St. Helena

    2nd exile St. Helena
    Napoleon lost the Battle at Waterloo and was exiled for a second time but this time to a more remote island called St. Helena. Napoleon lived his next 6 years of his life here. A nation that once loved him exiled him twice. Ironic. Correct date not found.
  • Napoleon dies

    Napoleon dies
    Napoleon dies on the island St. Helena. Napoleon lived an exellent life except the exiled twice. Napoleon most likely died of rat posin.