Napoleon Timeline

  • Italian Campaign 🟢

    Italian Campaign 🟢
    During this campaign Napoleon was able to conquer most of North Italy for France, ultimately forcing the idea of power within France.
  • Egyptian Campaign 🟡

    Egyptian Campaign 🟡
    Napoleon began the Egyptian Campaign as a way to establish and defend trade routes for France in this region. He was defeated by the British and abandoned his troops, but was greeted with a hero’s welcome upon his return home.
  • Consulate 🟢

    Consulate 🟢
    Napoleon was made General after overthrowing the directory. He then set up a three-man governing board called the consulate.
  • Banque de France 🟡

    Banque de France 🟡
    Napoleon created this bank to aid in recovering the economy and restore confidence in the French banking system. It initially was successful but later shut down.
  • Concordat of 1801 🟢

    Concordat of 1801 🟢
    Napoleon used this as a way to heal the divisions within the Catholic Church and increase his own status. He decided this would be best for both France and to prop up his regime.
  • Consul for Life 🟢

    Consul for Life 🟢
    Following the results of the plebiscite, Napoleon gained the role of Consul later on naming himself Consul for life. He created a new constitution that would form a succession to rule for his son.
  • Napoleonic Code 🟡

    Napoleonic Code 🟡
    After the French Revolution, Napoleon wanted to modernize France by creating a new legal code that better reflected the revolution's principles. This code recognized equality of all male citizens but undid some reforms especially in favor of women.
  • Declared self emperor 🟢

    Declared self emperor 🟢
    Napoleon declared himself an emperor because he believed that this title was unique and would allow him to leave a greater mark on history then just being a king. Crowning himself makes it known to the people the control and power he had over them.
  • Battle of Trafalgar 🔴

    Battle of Trafalgar 🔴
    The Battle of Trafalgar is one of the most famous naval battles in British history. This battle was important because it established British naval authority. It also destroyed Napoleon’s plans to invade Britain.
  • Abolished the Holy Roman Empire 🟡

    Abolished the Holy Roman Empire 🟡
    Napoleon abolished the Holy Roman Empire as a result of Francis ll’s abdication following his defeat by the French army. Napoleon reconstructed the former empire into the Confederation of the Rhine.
  • Continental system 🔴

    Continental system 🔴
    The goal of this was to isolate Britain and promote Napoleon’s authority over Europe. This was very ineffective and eventually led to his fall. Price of popular good increased in Europe and elevated its resentment toward France.
  • Resistance in Spain 🔴

    Resistance in Spain 🔴
    Napoleon introduced many reforms that were designed to weaken the Spanish Catholic Church, but many Spaniards remained loyal to their former king and the church. Guerilla Warfare was used against the France in an attempt to keep the large numbers of troops contained.
  • Invasion of Russia 🟡

    Invasion of Russia 🟡
    The Tsar withdrew his support of the Continental system, so Napoleon created the Grand Army of soldiers from 20 nations. Napoleon entered Moscow in September but his success was cut short. He realized that he would not have enough food and supplies to get his troops through the harsh Russian winters.
  • Battle of Nations at Leipzig 🔴

    Battle of Nations at Leipzig 🔴
    The nations of Austria, Prussia, Sweden, and Russia, led by Tsar Alexander I and Karl von Schwarzenberg defeated Napoleon and his allies, signaling the end of French power in Germany. He intended to take on each opponent one by one, but Napoleon’s army was disorganized and underestimated the competition.
  • Hundred Days 🟡

    Hundred Days 🟡
    This marked the period between Napoleon’s exile to Elba and the restoration of a king as ruler over France. The people started to fear a restoration of the old ways and support for Napoleon became strong again.
  • Waterloo 🔴

    Waterloo 🔴
    The Battle of Waterloo was a battle that was fought between the French army and the British and Prussian armies. During the Battle of Waterloo Napoleon was defeated, and he was exiled for the final time. This signified the end of his reign and of France's domination in Europe.
  • Abdication 🔴

    Abdication 🔴
    After being defeated at Waterloo, Napoleon was forced to give up the throne and marking the end of his rule over France. Napoleon was then exiled to the island of Saint Helena off the coast of Africa.