
  • Italian Campaign (green)

    Italian Campaign (green)
    The Italian campaign resulted in a victory for Napoleon. The Treaty of Campo Formio was signed effectively bringing and end to the war of the first coalition.
  • Egyptian Campaign (red)

    Egyptian Campaign (red)
    The French army was forced to surrender after attempting to capture the city of acre. Disease swept through the French army and the British Navy defeated the French by supplying the city.
  • Consulate (yellow)

    Consulate (yellow)
    The consulate was the government of France. It helped organize the military coup d’état that overthrew the directory which helped to end the French Revolution. As a member of this consulate Napoleon reformed the educational system in France.
  • Banque de France (green)

    Banque de France (green)
    Napoleon created the bank of France to help in economic recovery of the revolutionary period. The bank is responsible for the accounts of the French government.
  • Concordat of 1801 (yellow)

    Concordat of 1801 (yellow)
    Napoleon had signed an agreement stating that he intended to heal the divisions with the Catholic Church. Pope Pius later renounced the agreement.
  • Consul for life (green)

    Consul for life (green)
    Napoleon Bonaparte used the title first consul to take after Julius Caesar. Later on he changed his title to consul for life to show France that he would rule until death.
  • Napoleonic Code (red)

    Napoleonic Code (red)
    Napoleon’s code removed the individual rights of woman and gave full authority to men. Only male citizens were granted rights under the law, and colonial slavery was also re-introduced.
  • Declared Self Emperor (yellow)

    Declared Self Emperor (yellow)
    Napoleon chose to take the title emperor because he thought that emperors were unique an made an impact. He removes the crown out of Pope Pius hands an declares him emperor along with his wife and empress. Many of the common people took no interest in Napoleon’s new success.
  • Battle of Trafalgar (red)

    Battle of Trafalgar (red)
    The French and Spanish fleets were destroyed by the British Royal Navy off the coast of Spain.
  • Abolished Holy Roman Empire (green)

    Abolished Holy Roman Empire (green)
    Napoleon started to invade and make allies with the nations among the Holy Roman Empire. It all soon became French territory.
  • Continental System (red)

    Continental System (red)
    Napoleon went back and forth with Britain about who could trade and sail in Europe. Eventually these demands led America to declare the war of 1812.
  • Resistance in Spain (yellow)

    Resistance in Spain (yellow)
    Since Portugal did not comply with the continental system France wanted Spain supports to invade Portugal. When Spain refused, Napoleon decided to invade Spain as well resulting in the peninsula war.
  • Invasion of Russia (red)

    Invasion of Russia (red)
    Napoleon’s army was defeated by the Russians at Borodino. In his retreat from Moscow he would return with 10,000 out of the 100,000 he initially brought.
  • Battle of Nations at Leipzig (red)

    Battle of Nations at Leipzig (red)
    This battle was a defeat for Napoleon. It left him with no French power in Germany or Poland.
  • Hundreds Days (green)

    Hundreds Days (green)
    During these days Napoleon had marched back into Paris having escaped his exile in Elba.
  • Waterloo (red)

    Waterloo (red)
    This battle marks Napoleon’s final defeat and brought an end to the Napoleonic wars. The French were defeated by the British and Prussians.
  • Abdication (red)

    Abdication (red)
    After his unsuccessful invasion of Russia Napoleon decided to renounce his throne for his heir to claim in the future.