
  • Italian Campaign 🟩

    Italian Campaign 🟩
    After recently joining the military, Napoleon lead a campaign to Italy. A majority of Northern Italy was captured. The Hapsburg emperor was also forced to make peace.
  • Egyptian Campaign 🟥

    Egyptian Campaign 🟥
    In trying to gain more land, Napoleon sent a campaign to Egypt. At first he was mostly successful however Napoleon went home with a loss. He was able to keep this loss a secret for a while until he established himself further.
  • Consulate 🟩

    Consulate 🟩
    After bringing down a directory, Napoleon helped create the Consulate. The Consulate is a governing board consisting of three people.
  • Banque de France 🟩

    Banque de France 🟩
    In order to be able to control the economy of France, Napoleon founded the bank of france. He also developed a currency that’s value wouldn’t change.
  • Concordat of 1801🟩

    Concordat of 1801🟩
    The Concordat stated that the state would still contol the church, however, religious freedoms were allowed and accepted.
  • Consul for Life 🟩

    Consul for Life 🟩
    After realizing that he could do so much more, Napoleon fet it would better suit him if he was Consul for life instead of First Consul.
  • Declared self Emperor 🟩

    Declared self Emperor 🟩
    After being called First Consul and consul for life, Napoleon thought that he was beter than those titles and he was capable of greater things. In an act to prove that no one was more powerful than him, Napoleon crowned himself instead of the pope crowning him.
  • The Napoleonic Code🟨

    The Napoleonic Code🟨
    A new code, called the Napoleonic Code, helped in equality, religious freedoms, and it helped feudalism come to a halt. Although this was one of Napoleon’s greatest reforms, it also undid past reforms on the proccess. Women lost their rights and men gained a lot more control.
  • Battle of Trafalgar 🟥

    Battle of Trafalgar 🟥
    This battle, which took place by the Iberian peninsula, was fought between the French and Great Britain. Ending in a British victory, Napoleon’s plans to invade Great Britain were quickly shut down.
  • Abolished Holy Roman Empire🟨

    Abolished Holy Roman Empire🟨
    After the battle of Austerlitz, a portion of the Holy Roman Empire broke off to create the Confederation of the Rhine. After this fracture the whole empire fell apart.
  • Continental System🟨

    Continental System🟨
    After Napoleon’s defeat at Trafalgar, he has to figure out a new way to destroy Britain. By creating the Continental System, Great Britain had no access to European ports. This system ended up failing because the British navy was too powerful. With a new lack of ressources, all of Europe was greatly effected.
  • Resistance in Spain 🟥

    Resistance in Spain 🟥
    When Napoleon tried to invade Spain; however, a majority of the Spanish population fought back. The Spanish adopted a new type of fighting called “guerrilla warfare”. Because of this new style of war, the French were unable to advance.
  • Invasion of Russia🟥

    Invasion of Russia🟥
    French troops marched through Russia to try to convince them to not trade with Great Britain anymore. This just lead to the French being halted. The Russian invasion resulted in Napoleon’s exile to Elba.
  • Battle of Nations at Leipzig🟥

    Battle of Nations at Leipzig🟥
    Austrian, Prussian, Russian, and Swedish troops all came together to defeat the French from proceeding. The french went home with another loss.
  • Period: to

    Hundred days🟩

    The hundred days began after Napoleon returned to Paris from exile on Elba. The hundred days lasted until the second restoration of Louis XVIII.
  • Hundred Days 🟩 (picture)

    Hundred Days 🟩 (picture)
  • Waterloo🟥

    In order to take down Napoleon, the British and Prussian armies met in Belgium. Napoleon’s army was destroyed and his time as emperor ended.
  • Abdication🟨

    After a devastating defeat in Belgium, Napoleon stepped down from the thrown and was exiled to St. Helena.