
  • Italian Campaign (1796-1797) 🟢

    Italian Campaign (1796-1797) 🟢
    During the Napoleonic Wars, the French Army led a military operation in Italy known as the Italian Campaign. It occurred between 1796 and 1797, and as a result of a string of French successes, the Cispadane Republic, a French client state in Italy, was founded. Napoleon Bonaparte and the French Army achieved a great victory in the Italian Campaign, solidifying their position as a dominant military force.
  • Egyptian Campaign 🟡

    Egyptian Campaign 🟡
    The French Invasion of Egypt was a military campaign led by Napoleon Bonaparte between 1798 and 1801. It aimed to protect French trade interests and establish a presence in the Middle East, but ultimately ended in failure and withdrawal.
  • Banque de France 🟢

    Banque de France 🟢
    France's central bank is known as the Banque de France. Its responsibilities include carrying out the nation's monetary policy and supervising the euro's issuance and circulation.
  • Concordat of 1801 🟡

    Concordat of 1801 🟡
    The Concordat of 1801 was a pact that established France and the Catholic Church's connection and put an end to their disagreement. It created religious freedom in France and acknowledged the power of the state.
  • Consul for life 🟢

    Consul for life 🟢
    Napoleon Bonaparte received the title of "Consul for life" from the French Senate on August 2, 1802. He gained complete power and authority as the only Consul of the French Republic.
  • Consulate (1799-1804) 🟢

    Consulate (1799-1804) 🟢
    From 1799 until 1804, the French Republic was governed by the Consulate, which was comprised of Napoleon Bonaparte, Jean-Jacques-Régis de Cambacérès, and Charles-François Lebrun. Napoleon Bonaparte established himself as the leading force in French politics during this time and brought about several reforms, including the Napoleonic Code.
  • Napoleonic Code 🟡

    Napoleonic Code 🟡
    A legal system known as the Napoleonic Code or simply the Code Napoléon was adopted in France in 1804. It helped to codify and standardize many French laws and served as a template for legal systems in many other nations.
  • Declared Self Emperor 🟢

    Declared Self Emperor 🟢
    On May 18, 1804, Napoleon Bonaparte proclaimed himself Emperor of France. The French Revolution came to an end at this point, and Napoleon's autocratic rule began.
  • Battle of Trafalgar 🔴

    Battle of Trafalgar 🔴
    During the Napoleonic Wars, the British Royal Navy collided against the combined fleets of the French and Spanish Navies in the Battle of Trafalgar.
  • Continental System (1806-1814) 🔴

    Continental System (1806-1814) 🔴
    Napoleon Bonaparte put an embargo on the nations of Europe known as the Continental System in an effort to harm the British economy and reduce the UK's capacity to wage war. The French Navy and economic sanctions were used to enforce the system, which forbade trade between European nations and the United Kingdom and her colonies.
  • Abolished Holy Roman Empire 🟡

    Abolished Holy Roman Empire 🟡
    The Holy Roman Empire was dissolved in 1806, ending its existence as a political entity. It was replaced by the Confederation of the Rhine, a group of German states under French control. The dissolution of the Holy Roman Empire was a result of the Napoleonic Wars.
  • Resistance in Spain 🔴

    Resistance in Spain 🔴
    Spain was one of the key battlegrounds during the Napoleonic Wars, and there was a lot of resistance to French rule there. This resistance manifested itself in a variety of ways, such as political activism, sabotage, and guerrilla warfare. Manuel Godoy, the Duke of Alba, and José de San Martín, who became a national hero in Argentina for his involvement in the country's independence battle, were two of the most prominent personalities in the Spanish resistance movement.
  • Invasion of Russia 🔴

    Invasion of Russia 🔴
    The Russian Campaign, commonly referred to as the Invasion of Russia, was a military operation carried out by the French Army during the Napoleonic Wars. It occurred in 1812 and caused Napoleon Bonaparte to suffer a severe setback as well as the total destruction of the French army.
  • Battle of Nations at Leipzig 🔴

    Battle of Nations at Leipzig 🔴
    The Sixth Coalition defeated Napoleon in 1813 with ease thanks to their victory in the Battle of Nations at Leipzig. It signaled the beginning of the end of Napoleon's reign as French Emperor.
  • Abdication 🔴

    Abdication 🔴
    Following the defeat of his soldiers at the Battle of Paris on April 6, 1814, Napoleon Bonaparte resigned as Emperor of France. After that, he was banished to the island of Elba, where he remained until his Hundred Days return to France in 1815.
  • Hundred Days 🔴

    Hundred Days 🔴
    The Hundred Days were the time between Napoleon's ascent to power and his ultimate fall in 1815. He made an effort to retake the throne but failed and was overthrown by a confederation of European nations.
  • Waterloo 🔴

    Waterloo 🔴
    A military conflict known as the Battle of Waterloo took place on June 18, 1815. The Seventh Coalition, an alliance of European nations commanded by the United Kingdom, decisively defeated Napoleon Bonaparte's French Empire in the concluding battle of the Napoleonic Wars.