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  • The Italian Campaign 🟢

    The Italian Campaign 🟢
    The Italian Campaign was a sequence of battles fought in Northern Italy. During this campaign, Napoleon led the French to victory and conquered much of Italy.
  • The Egyptian Campaign 🔴

    The Egyptian Campaign 🔴
    Napoleon tries to capture territory in Egypt and Syria. The campaign ended with defeat and the withdrawal of French troops from Egypt.
  • Banque De France 🟢

    Banque De France 🟢
    Napoleon created the Banque de France to help revive the economy of France after the Revolution.
  • Concordat Of 1801 🟢

    Concordat Of 1801 🟢
    A success for Napoleon, the Concordat of 1801 signed by Pope Pius VII ended church reforms in France and re-established the Catholic Church.
  • Consul For Life 🟢

    Consul For Life 🟢
    Napoleon is declared First Consul For Life.
  • Napoleonic Code 🟡

    Napoleonic Code 🟡
    A series of laws and codes put in place that gave men superiority, rid women of rights, and organized many branches of the government.
  • Napoleon Becomes Self-Declared Emperor 🟢

    Napoleon Becomes Self-Declared Emperor 🟢
    Napoleon crowns himself emperor of France, and his wife Josephine as empress.
  • Battle of Trafalgar 🔴

    Battle of Trafalgar 🔴
    A loss for Napoleon, the Battle of Trafalgar was a naval battle between the British and Spanish-French navies. Britain won as they had more experience and power.
  • Continental System Established 🔴

    Continental System Established 🔴
    The Continental System, also known as the Continental Blockade, prohibited all trade with Britain as an attempt by Napoleon to weaken Britain’s economy.
  • Holy Roman Empire is Abolished 🟢

    Holy Roman Empire is Abolished 🟢
    Emperor Francis II of Austria abdicated after defeat to France. This is the end of the Holy Roman Empire and a great accomplishment for the French Revolution.
  • Resistance in Spain 🔴

    Resistance in Spain 🔴
    The Spanish begin to resist French rule. This lasted until Napoleon’s defeat in 1814.
  • Napoleon’s Invasion of Russia 🔴

    Napoleon’s Invasion of Russia 🔴
    Napoleon decides to invade Russia in an attempt to stop Tsar Alexander I from trading with Britain. The Russians defeat Napoleon, and he is exiled to Elba.
  • The Battle of Nations at Leipzig 🔴

    The Battle of Nations at Leipzig 🔴
    Armies from Russia, Prussia, Sweden, and Austria defeat Napoleon in the city of Leipzig. This caused the end of the power the French had left in Germany and Poland.
  • The Hundred Days 🟢

    The Hundred Days 🟢
    The Hundred Days is the period of time when Napoleon was not exiled in Elba and whenLouis XVIII returned to Paris.
  • Napoleon’s Defeat at Waterloo 🔴

    Napoleon’s Defeat at Waterloo 🔴
    The Battle of Waterloo was fought between Napoleon’s army and coalition between the Duke of Wellington and Marshal Blücher. This put a permanent end to Napoleon’s power and French attempts to control Europe.