
  • Italian Campaign

    Italian Campaign
    Napoleon lead several attacks into Italy where his great victories dustinguished him as a force to be reckoned with.
  • Egyptian Campaign

    Egyptian Campaign
    Led an expedition to Egypt, but was defeated terribly at the battle of the Nile. Despite this, he managed to hide some of it from the French people.
  • Consulate

    Napoleon overthrows old, weak government and forms the consulate. He then gives himself the title of First Consulate.
  • Banque de France

    Banque de France
    Founded by Napoleon in order to help rebuild France’s economy.
  • Concordat of 1801

    Concordat of 1801
    Passed to restore peace with church. Allowed for religious freedom while keeping church under state control.
  • Consul for Life

    Consul for Life
    Napoleon sets up a system in which he will retain power and by doing this, shows that he is the all powerful leader of France.
  • Napoleonic Code

    Napoleonic Code
    An new set of civil laws based on enlightenment ideas including equality and religious toleration. However, women were not included.
  • Napoleon Declares Himself Emperor

    Napoleon Declares Himself Emperor
    Napoleon had a grand coronation during which he crowned himself emperor by taking the crown from the pope.
  • Continential System

    Continential System
    Strong blockade intended to cut Britain off from european trade. Failed, caused a scarcity of British goods, and worsened relations with other nations.
  • Battle of Trafalgar

    Battle of Trafalgar
    The British navy defeated the French during a great naval battle.
  • Abolished Holy Roman Empire

    Abolished Holy Roman Empire
    After conquering a lot of land, Napoleon converted it into the Confederation of qthe Rhine with 38 members.
  • Resistance in Spain

    Resistance in Spain
    Many of the Spanish people were loyal to their king and opposed Napoleon’s reforms. At times they resulted to guerrilla warfare causing the French army to have less mobility.
  • Invasion of Russia

    Invasion of Russia
    Napoleon assembled a 600,000 soldier army to invade Russia, but the Russians avoided battle, drawing them farther in and leaving the land burned behind them. Napoleon faced defeat during the severe lack of supplies and food during winter.
  • Battle of the Nations

    Battle of the Nations
    Britain, Austria, Russia, and Prussia banded together forming an alliance against the already weakened France and defeated Napoleon at Leipzig
  • Abdication

    After the Battle of the Nations, Napoleon abdicated and was exiled to Elba while Louis XVIII took over. In 1815 he returned and regained power, however this only lasted 100 days until he was defeated at Waterloo and abdicated a second time to be exiled to St. Helena.
  • Hundred Days

    Hundred Days
    Mar 20, 1815 – Jul 8, 1815
    The period of time between his two exiles during which Napoloen made large changes and lost at Waterloo.
  • Waterloo

    Napoleon’s army was utterly defeated by Prussia. After this battle, he abdicated and went into exile.