
  • Napoleon Bonaparte is born

    Napoleon Bonaparte is born
    On this day in Corcica, Napoleon Bonaparte was born. His parents where Carlo Bonaparte and Letizia Ramonolia. Napoleon was going to become one of the most famous dictators in the world
  • The Boston Massacre

    The Boston Massacre
    On this day a group of colonists gathered infront of a British guard outside of a pub to protest the unfair taxes by the British. The crowd quickly grew to a size of over 300 people so the guard called for backup. The guards eventualy felt threatened and fired there muskets killing 5 people.
  • American Revolution Begins

    American Revolution Begins
    The fist shot of the American revolution was fired on this day nicknamed "The shot heard around the world". It was unknown who actually fired the first shot but, It was fired at The Battle of Saratroga. This would start Americas revolt against Britan
  • Napoleon Graduates from military school

    Napoleon Graduates from military school
    Napoleon graduates from his Military school on this day. He attended the Paris Ecole Militaire where he learned his military stradegies. He was an elite member of his class and he joined the military very shortly after.
  • End of The American Revolution

    End of The American Revolution
    After Many years of fighting, The Americans finaly defeated The British in battle. This occured when George Washington's troops defeated General Cornwallis' troops in Yorktown. This war inspired many colonies and oppressed people to revolt against their holders.
  • Napoleon is promoted to a general to the French army

    Napoleon is promoted to a general to the French army
    In previous battles napoleon fought very well. This occurred in a battle between France and Great Britain who was fighting along side with. French royalists called the Siege of Toulon. Bonaparte led his troops to victory making this his first military win.
  • Napoleon is promoted to Commander of the French army

    Napoleon is promoted to Commander of the French army
    After a series of victories, Bonaparte gained a lot of respect in the military. He rose through the ranks but one of his most important milestones was receiving the rank of comander. He was given this position by Antoine Christophe Saliceti who had recently lost his earlier comander.
  • Napoleon is imprisoned

    Napoleon is imprisoned
    Napoleon was imprisoned forced to leave the military after being accused of supporting Robespierres ways. Robesspierre was an enemy of the revolution. After he was let back in, he wan alowed to command the italian army.
  • Napoleon's war with Egypt ends

    Napoleon's war with Egypt ends
    After Napoleon is freed from prison and put in command of the Italian army, He removed the Turkish people from ruling egypt. He helped egypt become a more modern nation even though it was a faliure for him.
  • Napoleon sells Louisiana territory

    Napoleon sells Louisiana territory
    Prior to the louisiana purchase, the French owned the entire Louisiana area. Napoleon was short on money and he needed it for his coming conquest of Europe. He decided to sell it to the new developing United States. He had very little use for the land so it did not harm him.
  • Cry of Dolores

    Cry of Dolores
    The cry of Dolores was event that started Mexico's Revolt against Spain. Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla who was a priest signaled to everyone a call to arms. Mexico was victorious and became an independent state.
  • War of 1812 Begins

    War of 1812 Begins
    After the American revolution, America and England had fairly peaceful relations until now. Some of the reasons the war started where Britan refusing to retreat forts in the west and impressment which was the practice of forcing American sailors to join the British navy.
  • Napoleon Invades Russia

    Napoleon Invades Russia
    During Napoleons European conquest, He attempts to invade Russia. Despite Napoleons amazing stratagy, he failed this invasion because his troops where unprepared for the harsh conditons of Russia. The soldiers where not properly clothed for Russia's winter and the Russian troops killed off the survivors of the frost. This was the start of Bonaparte's downfall.
  • The Battle of Waterloo

    The Battle of Waterloo
    Napoleon was defeated in the battle of Waterloo. He was not able to defeat the combined forces of the Seventh coalition. Napoleon was then exiled to the island of St. Helena.
  • RAS is Founded

    RAS is Founded
    On this day the RAS or the Royal Astronomical Society was founded. The RAS' main purpouse was to conduct research on astronomy and geophysics. The RAS is still in place today and honers famous scientests such an Stephen Hawking.
  • Napoleon Dies

    Napoleon Dies
    After Napoleon was exiled to St. Helena, he lived there until his death. According to some sources he most likely died of stomach cancer. In 1840, he was moved back to france along with other military leaders