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By ohml25
  • Italian Campaign🟢

    Italian Campaign🟢
    The invasion of Italy brought disorder to the Papal States but was successful for Napoleon because he finally got the chance to take the throne and became Emperor
  • Egyptian Campaign🟡

    Egyptian Campaign🟡
    The campaign of which Napoleon lost but when returning to France he lied and said he won. The British Navy was there to fight the french. This was both a fail and success for Napoleon because he gained the trust of his people but lost a military battle
  • Banque de France🟢

    Banque de France🟢
    Napoleon created the Banque de France to foster economy recovery after the recession. This was a success for Napoleon and the french because this helped them become a better economy
  • Concordat of 1801🟢

    Concordat of 1801🟢
    An agreement between Napoleon and Pope Pius defining the status of the Roman Catholic Church in France and ending the breach caused by the church reforms and confiscations enacted during the French Revolution. This was a success for Napoleon because he got the support of the Pope.
  • Consul for Life🟢

    Consul for Life🟢
    A new constitution of Napoleons own devising legislated a succession to rule for his son even though he hadn’t yet had a child.
  • French Consulate🟢

    French Consulate🟢
    The consulate previously had been an administrative position for the French community but Napoleon debolished it when he became emperor. This was a success for Napoleon because he then had nobody else to try and administrate him.
  • Self Declared Emperor🟢

    Self Declared Emperor🟢
    Napoleon declared himself the emperor of France and during his coronation he crowned himself instead of the traditional way of the pope crowning him. He wanted to show he was above the pope. This was a successful event for Napoleon as he gained power and began to take over more land.
  • Battle of Trafalgar🔴

    Battle of Trafalgar🔴
    Fought between Britains Royal Navy and France/Spain. Britain won the battle.
  • Destroying the Holy Roman Empire🟢

    Destroying the Holy Roman Empire🟢
    Napoleon ended the Holy Roman Empire after years of it slowly falling apart. This was a success for Napoleon because he proved his power and was gaining more and more as he went
  • Continental System🟡

    Continental System🟡
    Napoleon created this system to block trading with Great Britain so they could resist and paralyze the british. This was both a success and fail for Napoleon
  • Napoleonic Code🟡

    Napoleonic Code🟡
    Laws made that deprived women of their rights and gave men more authority over them. The Napoleonic code benefited Napoleon and all men in France but it did not benefit the women of France. Lasted till 1815.
  • Resistance in Spain🔴

    Resistance in Spain🔴
    A majority of Spain rebelled against the French rule and fought to rebel for many years. Lasted 1808-1814. Napoleon ended up being defeated in 1814.
  • Invasion of Russia🔴

    Invasion of Russia🔴
    Lasted April 24th-Dec.14th 1812. Napoleon attempted to attack Russia and was defeated easily and on his way back to France the Russians continued to attack.
  • Battle of Leipzig🔴

    Battle of Leipzig🔴
    The Coalition armies of Austria, Prussia, Sweden, and Russia, decisively defeated the Grande Armée of French Emperor Napoleon I. This was a fail considering this was one of the last battles and he lost.
  • Abdication of the Throne🔴

    Abdication of the Throne🔴
    Napoleon was forced to abdicate the throne after battles with Russia where allie’s turned against him. This was a fail for Napoleon because he lost power. He tried to have his 3 year old son take over.
  • The Hundred Days🟡

    The Hundred Days🟡
    The Hundred days were the time between Napoleons exile from France to his return. This was a fail for Napoleon because during the time others gained the power he had. Louis XVIII returned July 8th, 1815
  • Battle of Waterloo🔴

    Battle of Waterloo🔴
    The battle of Waterloo was the ending of the 23 year long war and destroyed Napoleons power over France and Europe. This was a loss for Napoleon but for the french community this was a success so they could become independent and rebuild their society