
  • Italian campaign

    Italian campaign
    (Green. Battle won)
    This was the first major war Napoleon led and was supposed to separate Austria and Sardinia
  • Egyptian campaign

    Egyptian campaign
    (Red. Battle lost.)
    This battle was supposed to be for France defending its trading routes but was defeated
  • Consulate

    This is the French government that was created during the revolution and it help give Napoleon power
  • Banque de France

    Banque de France
    The banque de France was created to restore the financial stability of France
  • Concordat of 1801

    Concordat of 1801
    (Green. Was used even after his death)
    The concordat helped branches of the church
  • Consul for life

    Consul for life
    He proclaimed himself to be first consul for life and createdhis own constitution
  • Napoleonic Code

    Napoleonic Code
    (green. Still in use)
    The code created equality between men and excluded women.
  • Declared self emperor

    Declared self emperor
    (Green. Created a strong and prosperous empire)
    Napoleon felt like his destiny was becoming greater so he declared himself emperor of France. He became an emperor instead of a king because he felt that kings didn’t leave their mark in history as much as emperors did
  • Battle Of Trafalgar

    Battle Of Trafalgar
    (Red. Battle lost.)
    This battle was located in the sea by trafalgar between the France and British navy’s. The British navy split up Frances navy and defeated them.
  • Abolished Holy Roman Empire

    Abolished Holy Roman Empire
    (Green. Created way for a new empire.)
  • Continental system

    Continental system
    (Green. This plan worked.)
    The idea was to single out Britain and then promote napoleons domination of Europe
  • Invasion of Russia

    Invasion of Russia
    (Red. Battle lost.)
    Napoleon tried to punch the Russian forces back to prevent them trading with the British.
  • Spanish Resistance

    Spanish Resistance
    (Red. Threatened Napoleon’s army)
    When napoleon tried to invade Portugal Spain attacked Napoleon because they wanted Portugal to themselves
  • Battle of nations at Leipzig

    Battle of nations at Leipzig
    (Red. Battle lost.)
    This battle forced napoleon to step down from power.
  • Waterloo

    (Red. Battle lost.)
    This was the final battle Napoleon led because it was the last one he lost. He lost over 20,000 troops
  • Hundred days

    Hundred days
    (yellow. Napoleon returned and lost a war)
    This marked the days when Napoleon returned from Elba and king Louis XVIII’s restoration
  • Abdication

    (Yellow. Napoleon get exiled to an island and gets paid 2 million francs annually.)
    He abdicated and gave power to his son then abdicated again and gave power to The royal family.