Napoleon Birth
Napoleon Bonaparte was born on August 15, 1769 on the island of Corsica, off the coast of France. He was born to his father Carlo Bounaparte a lawyer, and his Mother Letizia Romolino. He was the second out of 8 surviving children in his family. This is significant because he would go on to improve the economy. He would also set a code of laws that would provide the framework for France for many years. He also increased France's territory immensely.
Source: (Castelot). -
Boston Massacre
On March 5, 1770 rioting broke out in the streets of Boston, due to the unfair taxation of the Townsend acts. In no time Captain Preston had sent numerous soldiers to the site to control to situation. After one of the soldiers was struck he began to fire and others followed. Crispus attacks and 4 others where killed. Because of this event, rebellion groups would form like the Sons of Liberty. Eventually this will cause the American Revolution
Source: (Grun). -
Us Constition Ratified
After numerous years of a weak constitution, America needed a change. On May 25, 1787, 55 delegates from 13 states meet up to discuss new constitution. The U.S. Constitution was officially ratified on June 21, 1788, after New Hampshire became to 9th state to ratify it. This is significant becasue this U.S. Constitution stands today, providing the frame work for this country. It also provides the indivsual rights of every man and women in the country.
Source: (The U.S. Constitution). -
First Presidential Election
On January 7, 1789 the first presidential election occurred under to U.S Constitution. On this day white men over 18 that owned property went to the ballot to elect the president the of the United States. On April 30, 1789 George Washington was elected president under the electoral college. This is significant because the tradition of the presidents has continued on to now and will in the future as well as the Electoral College.
Source: (Presidential Election). -
Cotton Gin
In 1793 Eli Whitney invented and patented the Cotton Gin. This machine was used to remove the seeds from cotton in seconds, compared to before which took a long time. This is significant because with this invention cotton rose to the number one export in America and Britain. This invention also skyrocket the economy of these countries. Although unfortunate, this invention also grew the number of slaves in America to keep up with the demand of Cotton.
Source: (Eli Whitney). -
Battle Of Lodi
At the Battle of Lodi, Napoleon showed his fearless military style when he was outnumbered 2:1 by Sebottendorf and his Austrian army. Napoleon was able to force their retreat and across the Lodi Bridge and claim victory. Although Sebottendorf and his army where able to escape, Napoleon, showed his strength as a military leader. This was enough to impress the directory and put Napoleon officially in charge of the French army.
Source: (historyofwar.org). -
Small Pox Vaccine
English doctor Edward Jenner noticed that milkmaids contracted a diease called cowpox. This disease prevented their ability to obtain smallpox. On May 14, 1796, Jenner injected differnt people with cowpox and then smallpox. To his surprise he leaned that people exposed to cowpox where immune to smallpox. This discovery would be later adopted by many doctors, and would save many lives in every region of the world.
Source: (Jenner). -
Coup d'teat
After the Directory lost control, Napoleon knew it was his chance to seize power. It started when he was officially put in charge of the French army in November 9,1799. Only a day after this happened the Directory was dissolved. Napoleon quickly gave himself dicatatoral powers and assumed himself as first council and head of France in 1804. This is significant because with these powers he would immensely grow French territory, improve the economy, and set up a code of laws.
Source: (Guerard). -
Napoleonic Code
After seizing power, Napoleon set a code of laws named Napoleonic Code on March 21, 1804. Although it limited indviusual rights, and eliminated women's rights, it promoted law and order. This gave stability to the France and was the first set of laws following the revolution. This code of laws not only affected France but many other countries who would later follow in his path, and adopt a code of laws similar to his.
Source: (Gale). -
Louis and clark epedition
In May of 1804 the Corps of Discovery left Saint Louis in search of the Pacific Ocean. Along the way they picked up Sacagawea who help navigate the lands and people. After 3,700 treacherous miles they finally arrived at the Pacific Ocean in November of 1805. This journey help make friendly realtions with the natives in the west. This is also significant becuase it led to further exploration and cultivation of the west.
Source: (Grun). -
Battle of Trafalgar
Napoleon was near conquering Europe, but the Third Coalition stood in his way. On October 21, 1805 Napoleon insticagated and attack on the British and Nelson. Napoleon would instantly regret it once he saw the force of the British navy. This defeat led to British naval supremacy for the next 100 years. It also forced Napoleon to give up his plan to invade Britain. Napoleon converted to a dffernt form of attack, Economic Warfare. With this the continental system is formed.
Source: (Gale). -
Peninsular War
In response to Portugal disobeying his blockade, Napoleon sent troops into Spain to attack Portugal in 1808. Feeling threatened, the Spanish people began to riot against Napoleon's army. Napoleon responed to these threats by deposing the Spanish king and replacing him with his brother. This only worsned it, and by 1814 Napoleon had lost over 300,000 men, leaving his forces diminished. This also led to Nationalism in Spain and other countries.
Source: (Britannica). -
Invasion of Russia
After Russia refused Napoleon's blockade, Napoleon ordered the French army to Invade Russia. Napoleon was successful at first, getting Russian forces to retreat. But by using the schorched-earth policy and the harsh winter, the Russians deprived the French of both food and weapons, causing their defeat. This invasion left Napoleons forces diminished and popularity hurt. This Invasion would later lead to his defeat at Leipizig, and his exilment to Elba.
Source: (Gale). -
Battle of Leipzig
After facing a massive defeat in Russia, Napoleon and his allies had less than half the solidiers of the Fourth Coalition. Napoleon stood his ground for nine hours but inevtiablly was trapped. October 19, 1813 marked yet another defeat for Napleon . Because of this loss Napoleon was removed from leader of France in April of 1814. He was then exiled to the island of Elba, where Britan thought he would remain for the rest of his life.
Source: (Gale). -
Battle Of Waterloo
During the Hundred days came Napoleons most important battle, the Battle of Waterloo. On June 18th, 1815 Napoleon and his army of 72,000 men marched into Belgium to face the British army commanded by Arthur Wellesley. Although Napoleon seemed to have the uper hand once the Prussian army arrived they where severely outnumbered. This battle marked the end of Napoleon's military career. Once captured by the Bristish he was exiled to Saint Helena, an island in the Atlantic.
Source: (Waterloo). -
Napoleon Death
On May 5, 1821 Napoleon passed away from stomach cancer after being exiled from France to Saint Helena. In 1840 his body was brought to France where it was then entomed in a crypt at Les Invalids which is located in Paris. Although Napoleon had died his legacy lived on. Napoleon had brought stability to the French government and economy. His legacy would also encourage many revolutions and increased nationalism in Europe.
Source: (Castelot).