

  • Napolean Birth

    Napolean Birth
    Napolean was born on August 15, 1769 on the island of Corsica.
  • Napoleon Goes To School

    Napoleon Goes To School
    At the age of 9, Napoleon's parents sent Napolean to military school. Napoleon did really well in military school and got good grades. At the age of 16, he graduated military school and was sent to the artillery to become a lieutenant.
  • Napoleon Rises To Power

    Napoleon Rises To Power
    On October 1795, royalists rebels went to the National Convention and Napoleon was told to defend them. When the royalists arrived, Napoleon and his army attacked them with a cannonade. The attackers escaped in panic. Napolean was declared the hero since he saved the delegates.
  • Napoleon's Victories

    Napoleon's Victories
    In 1796, Napolean and the French army defended France against the Kingdom of Sardinia and Austria. Napoleon was able to claim many victories against them. Napoleon led an expedition to Egypt in hopes of protecting the French's interest trade and disrupting trade between India and Great Britan. He pinned down Egypt but Great Britan sent Horatio Nelson. Napoleon was defeated but told lies to the press and he was still proclaimed as a hero.
  • Napoleon takes Power

    Napoleon takes Power
    The Directory had lost control of the power and the confidence of France. Napoleon was urged to take power and on November 1799 Napoleon's troops went over and kicked the national legislature members out. The Directory was then dissolved because it was voted by the remaining members of the national legislature. At this time, Napoleon took the opportunity to declare himself as the dictator of France. The rest of Europe was still at war, but Napoleon's enemies were forced to sign peace treaty.
  • Napoleon's Government

    Napoleon's laws were mostly inspired by the Revolution. First, He wanted a really good economy. So, Napoleon found a better way to collect tax efficiently, and he established a national banking system. He also found a better financial manager to control the economy. Napoleon also set up public schools called lycees. Napoleon was influenecd by the church, but they were not allowed to run internationl affairs. His best accomplishemnet was his series of great laws called "Napoleonic Code"
  • Emperor Napoleon

    Emperor Napoleon
    In 1804, Napoleon declared himself as emperor of France and the people of France were glad to bow down to him. On December 2, 1804, the ceremony to crown Napoleon as the emperor has come. upon. Napoleon wore a beautiful purple velvet robe. As the Napoleon walked down the aisle of Norte Dame Cathedral, the pope greeted him with a beautiful shinning, glittery crown. WHen Napoleon was crowned, he became the most powerful person in France.
  • Napoleon Tries to Conquer Europe

    Napoleon Tries to Conquer Europe
    After losing the American territories Napoleon decided to conquer Europe. All of Europe joined together because they feared Napoleon would take them out one by one. Napoleon won every battle and this forced Russia, Prussia, and Austria to sign peace treaties, this means the only enemy left was Great Britan. Napoleon 's courage was soon lost after the battle of Trafalgar. The British commander, Horatio was able to take out Napoleon's troops in the sea. As a result, Napoloen gave up his plans.
  • The Continental System

    The Continental System
    Napoleon set up a blockade and called it the Continental System. The Continental System prevents trade and communication between Great Britan and other European countries. The US got mad and declared a 2-year war. Napoleon tried making Portugal accept the system buy invading them and replacing theyre king. The Spanish got so mad that they killed 300,00 of Napoleons troops which weakend the empire. They SPanish felt they abused by the foreign conquer so they fought him.
  • Russian War

    Russian War
    Napoleons worst mistake was invading Russia. Alexander I and Napoleon had become allies, however, Russia refused to stop selling grain to the British. Also, the French and Russian rulers had competing designs for Poland. Napoleon and his 420,000 soldiers marched into Russia, but Russia retreated. Russia practiced the scorched-earth policy which weakens Napoleon's troops. The people of Moscow decided to flee and burn there a city which made Napoleon mad and killed his troops because of the snow.
  • Period: to

    Napoleon's Last Days

    Napoleon made a new army but it was weak and won no battles. He gave up his throne and was banished to the island of Elba. Louis XVIII was in power but disliked. Napolean came back to reclaim power. He became the new emperor of France again. He fought the British at the battle of Waterloo. They surrendered to the Duke of Wellington. Because of his losses he was sent to the Atlantic island os St.Helena where he wrote poems and eventually died lonely. Napoleon passed away on May 5, 1821.
  • Napoleon Overview

    I personally believe that Napoleon is both an enlightened leader and a tyrant leader. Napoleon was a very great military leader and was able to force 3 powerful European countries into signing peace treaties. He also won many great battles and barely lost any. However, he also dug his own foot in the grave. He established a blockade and replaced the Portugal King with his brother. He also lost the battle of Waterloo In conclusion. Napoleon is both an enlighten leader and a tyrant leader.