Nancy Cartwright Timeline

  • Nancy Cartwright Born

    Nancy Cartwright Born
    Nancy Cartwright was born on January 24 of 1944 in Iowa.
  • 1966 Cartwright Education

    Cartwright completed her undergraduate studies, where she received her BA in mathematics at the University of Pittsburg.
  • Pursuing

    Cartwright pursued her doctorate degree in Philosophy at the university of Illinois Chicago.
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    Becoming an Educator

    Cartwright held the teaching position at the University of Maryland, where she continued to perfect her ideas and engaged with her students in philosophy. Her education journey gained a boost and by the mid 80's, she became a prominent figure in the philosophy of science.
  • "How the laws of physics lie"

    In 1983 Nancy Cartwright published her first book "How the laws of physics lie", she wrote the book to address and challenge traditional views on scientific laws. She argued that scientific models and laws are like idealisation that captures regularities in specific conditions. “Should We Trust or Criticise Science?” YouTube, YouTube, 19 May 2020, Accessed 9 Dec. 2023.
  • Additional published books

    Nancy Cartwright published additional books after her huge success with "how the laws of physics lie" . In 1989 she published "Natures capacities and their measurements", 1996 "Otto Neurath: Philosophy between science and politics", 1999 "The dappled world".
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    Nancy Cartwright is a professor of Philosophy at the University of Durham and continues to teach and inspire young minds of today.
  • Lebowitz prize

    In 2017 Cartwright and Sober were awarded the Lebowitz prize for Philosophical Achievement and contribution. This prize is awarded by the Phi Beta Kappa society and the American Philosophical Association (APA) and recognises outstanding achievements in the field of philosophy. Communications, APA. “Prominent Philosophers Cartwright and Sober Win 2017 Lebowitz Prize.” Blog of the APA, 1 May 2017,
  • Hempel Award

    The governing board of the Philosophy of science association announced in 2018 the recipient of the Carl Gustav Award to Nancy Cartwright, this award is to recognise lifetime scholarly achievements in the Philosophy of science and to acknowledge the examples of scholarly excellence. “Hempel Award Recipients.” Hempel Award Recipients - Philosophy of Science Association, Accessed 9 Dec. 2023.