Alan chalmers

Alan Chalmers

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    Alan Chalmers

    Alan Chalmers was born in 1939 in Bristol England. Graduating in 1961 from the University of Bristol in physics. He would later earn his Master in Science Degree in 1964 from the University of Manchester.
  • Dr. Chalmers

    Dr. Chalmers
    Alan Chalmers taught physics and science for a couple of years before earning a Ph.D. in 1971 from the University of London. Moved to Australia that same year and began working at the University of Sydney.
  • Book

    Alan Chalmers published this book in 1976. This book is described as a guide to the philosophy of science. This book describes science using as few technical terms as possible to help the reader understand. This book is also published in many languages.
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    Dr. Chalmers first position working in Sydney was as a Lecturer. Moving on to the position of Senior Lecturer. In 1986 Dr. Chalmers became the director of the Unit for History and Philosophy of Science. Later retiring from that position in 1999.
  • Achievement

    In 1997 Alan Chalmers was elected fellow of the Academy of Humanities. Which is the highest distinction and a great honor.
  • Achievement

    The Australian Government awarded Alan Chalmers the Centenary Medal for his Services to the Humanities in History and Philosophy of Science.