Nancy Cartwright

  • Nancy Cartwright

    Nancy Cartwright
    Nancy Cartwright was born in 1944 in Pennsylvania, she is currently a professor at the University of California.
  • How the Laws of Physics lie

    "Really powerful explanatory laws of the sort found in theoretical physics do not state the truth."(Cartwright, 23)
    In her books Cartwright focuses on fighting fundamentalism. She viewed physics as something that could be tested and yield the specific results that someone wanted based on what test was being used. Physics does not give us hard and fast answers that people want, instead it is like building blocks to find answers. Nancy Cartwright, How the laws of Physics lie,Clarendon Press, 1983
  • The Dappled World

    "Cartwright, unusually for a philosopher of science, displays a concern not only for science as knowledge but for its potentiality to change the world." Again in her book the Dappled world Cartwright works to fight the fundamentalism in the scientific community.
    Caldwell, Rodger, The dappled world: A study of the boundaries of science. By Nancy Cartwright, Philosophy now,
  • How this affects the Philosophy of Science

    Nancy Cartwright's views on fundamentalism are very important. In her book The Dappled World, she gives an example about how aspirin has the ability to cure a headache but that does not mean that it will every time. This can be related to just about any scientific theory. They all have the ability to prove something but if you change just one tiny piece of the equation they will not prove the same thing.
  • A video Description
    The above video talks about some different theories of Nancy Cartwright, however you will notice right off the bat that she is still working on pushing outside of the barriers of hard and fast scientists. To use the evidence that she finds to figure out how and why the world works.