
  • Birthday

    I was born in fountain valley hospital.I am the only child.
  • vacation

    I went to the Bahamas.I went during the summer of 4th grade.
  • the beach

    the beach
    i went to the beach.I also swam in the ocean
  • 8th grade commencement

    8th grade commencement
    It was the last day of 8th grade.Then was going to high school the following school year.
  • Period: to


    last Summer I did nothing.I just stayed home and sleep
  • 4th of july

    4th of july
    on July forth my aunt had a party.We bought a lot of fireworks.
  • my 14th birthday

    i turned 14.I went to disneyland
  • first day of high school

    it was the first day of school. it was easy
  • last football game

    last football game
    Our last football game was against laquinta. But we lost and i made 1 touchdown
  • Alternative suspension class

    Yesterday I got in trouble. So today I had to go to Alternative suspension class.