1939 BCE
The Pact of Steel was signed between Hitler and Mussolini on 22nd May 1939. Japan also joined this pact to figth against communisn. -
1938 BCE
He wanted Austria to be a part of his Reich nd prometed the so-called Anschluss-
Czechoslovakia in d¡the Czech area of the Sudetes there were around 3,5 million germans, who should be ruled by a german power based on Hitler's principles. On 29th September 1938 Germany, Italy, Great, Britain and France reached the Munich Agreement, where Germany annexed the Sudetes. -
1936 BCE
Due to internacional conflicts with France and Great Britain, Mussolini got closer to Hitler's Germany. The Rome-Berlin Axis was created on 1st Nobember 1936. -
1936 BCE
After the Treaty of Versailles, Poland divided Germany into two parts and East Prussia remained isolated. Hence, Hitler wanted to contro Dazing in order to unite both parts of Germany. Hitler commanded the invasion of Poland on 1st September 1939 which actually involved the outbreak of WWII -
1935 BCE
Change within Germany. Some areas of Germany had been occupied or controlled by foreign powers after the Treaty of Versailles. Hitler could not tolerate this and began some campaigns to re-take those German regions. -
1933 BCE
In January Hitler deided to call for another election hoping to make the Nazis stronger in the Reichstag. -
1932 BCE
The Depression hit Germany deeply. By 1932 living conditions were unemployed and the country was desperatefor a strong government. -
1932 BCE
President Hindenburg called an election but did not get the majority, The new govrnment still could not govern properly, and after the new elections Hindeburg offered Hitler the post of Chancellor. -
1929 BCE
Stresemann won the Nobel Price for his efforts. He died in October 1929, just before the disaster of the wall street crash. His plans would only work with some help from the USA. -
1924 BCE
He change the election system and in the next elections fascists got the power, He began to change Italy into a dictatorship where people had to do as they were told. -
1923 BCE
Germany suffered a hyperinflacion. This happens when production can't keep up whit the amount of money there is, so money keps losing its vaule. -
1923 BCE
There was a new chancellor, called Stresemann, and Germany was starting to recover, The Nacional Socialist German Worker's Party created by Aldof Hitler tired to take over Munich. -
1921 BCE
Hitler started a huge plan of public works which gave jobs t thousands of people: motorways, public buildings... All men between the ages of 18 and 25 had to go into the Nacional Labour Service and they got a job.
Strikers were not allowed but they had higher wager han before ¡, good works had benefits, such holidays,,, big industrial names like Thyssen, Krupp or Volkwagen supported the regime and had a lot of benefits. -
1919 BCE
After the Great War a republic was set up in February 1919 at. It was a democratic had many problems:
Thousand of people were poor and starving. The society was divided, they did not accept losing the war and they thought that the conditions of the peace treaties were very unfair for Germany. -
1919 BCE
In 1919 comunists tried to take over Berlin in the Spartacist Revolt, but they were defeated. -
1918 BCE
Italy suffered the enormous human and economic after-effects of the Great War -
A personal force fot Hitler and the leading Nazis, Heinrich Himmler was in change or the SS. -
He changed the election system and in the next elections fascist got the power -
The fascists led by Benito Mussolini began to control many parts of Italy. . When socialists called for a general strike, Mussolini's men terrorised them and controlled the situation. That made him very popular -
in the elections he didn't get many votes but on 27th and 28th october 1922 Mussolini marched on rome with his 30000 Blackshirts in order to seize the power.