I was born in Miami, Florida on february 5th, 2002, around 3 pm I was the first child. In Kendall Regional Medical Center. My parents are Monica and Claudio. They are from Mexico and Argentina, my mom was 21 when she had me and my dad was 26. -
Started walking
I started walking when I was 1. I walked in the beach, in the playground, in my house, everywhere. My family was happy to see me grow. My mother was crying because she was so exited because of this big "step" in my life! -
My brother was born
My brother was born on april 20th, 2004 in Miami Florida. He likes to play soccer and to play videogames, He was born two years after me. He currently he attends the American School of Pachuca, and he is in seventh grade. -
Entered preschool
I entered preschool in october 24th in 2005 in Sunny Start Preschool in Miami, Florida. My first teacher was Miss Sarah, I made a lot of friends like Sofia, Isabella, and Alexa. -
Sarted reading
I started reading when I was 4 years old. The first book I read was "Don´t Let The Pidgeon Drive The Bus", I liked that book a lot. It is about a pigeon who is always doing naughty things like driving a bus or stealing a hot dog form a chicken. The author of this book is Mo Williams. -
I moved to Pachuca
I moved to Pachuca when I was 5 years old. I lived in Mexico City for some months and then my mom decided to move to Pachuca. I entered the American School of Pachuca. -
First comunion
I had my first communion when I was in 3rd grade. I had my communion classes in La Salle. My family went to my communion I had a party in Benevento with my friends. It was very fun I had a cake and activities like rock climbing. -
I got my first phone
I got my first phone when I was 8 years old. It was a blackberry with a keyboard. I got because of my birthday and I was very happy. I was very happy because I deserved it because I got 10 and 9 and I was very good that month. -
Entered gymnastics
I entered gymnastics when I was 8. Gymnastics is a sport involving balance, flexibility, agility, endurance and control. I went to Cedrus to my gymnastics class with my friends, I was good. I did gymnastics but the artistic type there are different types of gymnastic like artistic or rhythmic. -
I was in a spelling bee contest
I was in a spelling bee, it was in the American School of Pachuca. I practiced a lot before the competition. Even though I didn't win I had a lot of fun. The winner was Daniela Tellez and I lost. -
Got a dog
I got a dog when I was 10, I have a Yorkie his name is Timo. The Yorkshire Terrier is a small dog breed of terrier type. I like going out with him and have long walks. He knows a lot of tricks like how to sit, lay down, roll over, and stay. He loves to eat, run, and learn new tricks. -
Entered secundary
I entered secondary when I was 12 years old. I studied in the American School of Pachuca. I entered 7th grade and I was placed in 7D. -
I had my confirmation last year. Confirmation is one of the seven sacraments of the Catholic Church. I had my confirmation in Rhode Island with my friends. The father that had the mass was father Joseph. -
I went to rome
I visited rome in April during Holy Week. I went to the Vatican City, Florence, Rome, etc. It was amazing, the food was great and the best part of it was I traveled with my friends. My favourite place was Orvieto especially the "Orvieto Cathedral" and people were lovely! Everyone was so nice and helpful. Link video