Myers Reconstruction Timeline

  • Period: to


  • Lincoln Announces Ten Percent Plan

    Lincoln Announces Ten Percent Plan
    Requires ten percent of voters from each seceded state to take an oath against the Confederacy if the seceded states were to rejoin the Union.
  • Lincoln Reelected

    Lincoln Reelected
  • Lincoln Vetoes Wade-Davis Bill

    Lincoln Vetoes Wade-Davis Bill
    If passed, the Wade-Davis Bill would've made it illegal for blacks to vote in a state without approval from 50% of white voters in that state.
  • Congress Creates Freedmen's Bureau

    Congress Creates Freedmen's Bureau
    The Freedmen's Bureau was created to help freed slaves become full citizens.
  • Lee Surrenders at Appomattox Court House -- Civil War Ends

    Lee Surrenders at Appomattox Court House -- Civil War Ends
  • Lincoln Assassainated; Johnson Becomes President

    Lincoln Assassainated; Johnson Becomes President
  • Mississippi Enacts First Black Codes

    Mississippi Enacts First Black Codes
    These laws were an attempt by white Southerners to limit black rights. They took away rights like voting, and made segregation legal,
  • 13th Amendment Approved and Ratified by Congress

    13th Amendment Approved and Ratified by Congress
    The 13th Amendment abolished all slavery in America.
  • Johnson Declares the Reconstruction Complete

    Johnson Declares the Reconstruction Complete
  • Radical Republicans

    Radical Republicans
    Radical Republicans were Republicans who never approved of slavery or really trusted former Confederates. They also approved of civil rights, equality, and wanted all freedmen to have the right to vote.
  • 1st, 2nd and 3rd Reconstruction Acts

    1st, 2nd and 3rd Reconstruction Acts
    These acts split the states formerly known as the Confederacy into 5 militarized districts, and stated that each district would be under the control of a Union general.
  • Johnson Impeached

    Johnson Impeached
    After Johnson decided to finally get rid of Stanton, Stanton refused and locked himself in his office. Congress took Stanton's side in all of this, and Johnson was impeached.
  • 14th Amendment Ratified

    14th Amendment Ratified
    The 14th Amenedment gave citizenship to everyone born or naturalized in the United States.
  • Ulysses S. Grant Elected

    Ulysses S. Grant Elected
    Grant was a man of honesty and good character, but many considered him politically inept. His cabinet was considered unethical, and his political victories were few throughout his two terms.
  • Sharecropping

    Sharecropping was a system of labor in which landowners allowed farmers to use their land for farming as long as a large portion of the crops were returned to them.
  • 15th Amendment Ratified

    15th Amendment Ratified
    The 15th Amendment gave African-American men the right to vote.
  • Enforcement Acts

    Enforcement Acts
    The Enforcement Acts were three laws that protected the rights of black men like voting, or running for public office
  • Amnesty Act of 1872

    Amnesty Act of 1872
    This law restored voting rights to all Southerners save 500

  • Freedmen's Bureau Terminated

    Freedmen's Bureau Terminated
  • Lame-Duck Congress Passes Civil Rights Act

    Lame-Duck Congress Passes Civil Rights Act
    In a last-ditch effort to preserve the Reconstruction, the Republican-controlled Congress passed a bill to gurantee freedom of access to all men.
  • The Disputed Election

    The Disputed Election
    Candidates for Presidency this year were Republican Rutherford B. Hayes and Democrat Samuel J. Tilden. At first it looked as if Tilden had won but after the ballots from three final states were counted, the victory went to Hayes.
  • Hayes Declared President; Reconstruction Ends

    Hayes Declared President; Reconstruction Ends
  • Compromise of 1877

    Compromise of 1877
    This compromise forced the world to accept the fact that Hayes won the presidential election.