My Zoey Story

  • I was born August 25th 2004

    I was born August 25th 2004
    I was the 2nd baby girl born to my Parents Megan and Doug!
    They were happy to have me.
  • My Brother Joshua born March 2nd 2006

    My Brother Joshua  born March 2nd 2006
    He is my first Brother!
  • I began taking Ballet in 2007.

    I began taking Ballet in 2007.
  • My Baby brother Oliver was born September 15 2008

    My Baby brother Oliver was born September 15 2008
    My 2nd babty brother was born. Now there are 4 of us!
  • My first Riding lesson

    My first Riding lesson
    I began taking ridng lessons in the spring of 2010
  • Now we live in Honey Brook

    My family and I