My Years of Technology

  • 2010 BCE

    Home Computer

    Home Computer
    The first computer was invented by Charles Babbage (1822) but was not built until 1991! Alan Turing invented computer science.
  • Nintendo Boy advance

    Nintendo Boy advance
    Gunpei Yokoi’s Inventor of this game First released in Japan on April 21, 1989, the Game Boy was not the most technologically sophisticated handheld device of its time.It was the perfect gift at the time when I was young.
  • Nintendo 64

    Nintendo 64
    Hiroshi Yamauchi was the president of Nintendo from 1949 to 2002, and might be the person most responsible for bringing gaming into mainstream culture.
  • First phone

    First phone
    I had a flip phone from cricket it was a samsung Lee Byung-chul was a South Korean businessman. He was the founder of the Samsung .
  • First ipad

    First ipad
    I got my first iPad for school in 2018 but the inventor is apple. It has Helped me a lot since it portable and small I take it anywhere.