My WWII Timeline

  • FDR begins New Deal with Hundred Days

    On March 4,1933 Franklin Roosevelt announced his first inaugural address telling the people he wasn't afraid to take courageous steps in making America great again.The New Deal was a way to end the Great Depression for good.In the first hundred days he was able to end prohibition, end agricultural surpluses and boost prices, guarantee that workers would have better wages and working conditions, etc.
    I chose this topic because it was a prosperous deal that helped America get back on it's feet.
  • Formation of the Rome-Berlin Axis

    Together,Germany and Italy signed a treaty that formed the Rome-Berlin Axis.This was an important process for Hitler and his German military. Signing the treaty put an end to Italy's political isolation and gave Germany the protection they need for their South boundary.It did,however,come with protocols committing them to follow a foreign policy.
    I chose this topic because it was the start of Hitler's progress towards conquering most of the countries surrounding Germany.
  • Germany signs military agreement with Japan

    Joined by many fascist governments,Germany and Japan singed a military agreement called the Anti-Comintern Pact.This was an anticommunist pact that was directed against the Third(Communist)International.These two countries agreed to never make treaties with the Soviet Union and to consult each other on what measures to take if the Soviet Union did attacked them.
    I chose this topic because it shows Hitler's desire to befriend Japan and their determination to protect themselves from attacks.
  • Jewish population moved to Poland ghettos

    After Germany took over Poland in 1939,millions of Jewish people were forced into ghettos.The Germans wanted to control the Jewish population so they set up over 1,000 ghettos and moved the Jews to their "new" homes. Many Jewish people were concentrated and over half a million of them were transported over to the largest ghetto in Warsaw,the Polish capital.
    I chose this topic because almost everyone around the world didn't know about the ghettos and what the Jews had went through.
  • Rationing is introduced in Britain

    Rationing was temporarily introduced by the British government during the war.They ordered nearly 20 million long tons of food per year as a strategy to avoid starvation in the nation.To deal with the shortages,the Ministry of Food created a system that had everyone provided with a ration book containing coupons.With this, people could register at their chosen shops so they could buy the rationed items.
    I chose this topic because the war had made most countries go into a temporary depression.
  • The Atlantic Charter

    President Franklin D. Roosevelt and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill released a joint declaration,The Atlantic Charter,to provide a statement of the U.S. and British war aims.The meeting was called for the response of the geopolitical situation in Europe and to support the countries who had been occupied during the war.
    I chose this topic because it shows how both of our countries helped each other through the attacks from Germany and how we were able to provide help to our allies.
  • Doolittle Raid

    Doolittle Raid
    Know as the Tokyo Raid,the US air raided the Japanese capital Tokyo.This raid was led and planned by Lieutenant Colonel James Doolittle who was apart of the the US Army Air Forces.16 B-25B Mitchell bombers were launched with the plan to bomb military targets in Japan and continue to China.15 air crafts reached China, 1 in Soviet Union.3 dead,77 survived but 8 captured,14 complete crews returned to the US. i chose this because it seemed interesting to learn and research about.
  • The Battle of the Philippine Sea

    The Battle of the Philippine Sea
    Nicknamed"Marianas Turkey Shoot",the US carrier-based fighters destroyed the Japanese Fleet.The Marianas Islands were crucial to Japan so the US Fifth Fleet went to back up the invasion of Saipan who were already at war.Japanese Admiral Ozawa Jisaburo decided to challenge the US by sending 430 planes to attack us.300 Japanese aircrafts shot down,2 Japanese aircraft carriers sunk,only 29 of US planes lost.I chose this topic because it was a major victory for the US.
  • Roosevelt Dies

    Roosevelt Dies
    Three months into his fourth term, Roosevelt dies and Cerebral Hemorrhage at 63 years old.He was the longest serving president in US history, serving at 4 terms.He was buried in a family plot in Hyde Park, New York after a solemn parade of his coffin through the nation's capital. He had and was able to lead America through both it's greatest depressions. I chose this topic because Roosevelt dying was a major loss for the US and Americans.
  • Hitler Commits Suicide

    Hitler Commits Suicide
    On January 16th, Hitler repaired his underground bunker to stay in for the remainder of the war. Instead of escaping, Hitler chose suicide. After consuming a cyanide capsule, he shoots himself with a pistol. Two days before his death, Hitler married Eva Braun who stayed and killed herself with him in the bunker. Hitler wasn't declared dead until 1956 and his "1,000-year" Reich collapses. I chose this topic because Hitler was a huge part of WWII and it was interesting to learn about how he died.
  • Victory in Japan (VJ-Day)

    Victory in Japan (VJ-Day)
    August 14, 1945, Japan surrendered unconditionally to the Allies, ending WWII. However, September 2, 1945 is when Japan's formal surrender took place on the USS Missouri. Both of these dates are considered VJ-Day because we had won a major victory for our country. I chose this topic because the Us finally was able to defeat Japan and have them surrender.