Birthday!! (7lbs 10 ounces, 19 inches)
plays with rattles, splashes, reaches for objects
3 day measels
Had most teeth! Eats with spoon and Weight 22lbs
brother John born!
says single word sentences "mama, daddy, goodbye"
potty trained
Puts words together, puts on shoes and coats, zips/unzips
Weights 24lbs. -
Grandparents (moms) move to California!
rides 2 wheel bike
unlaces shoes,washes self, toys in order, buttons.30lbs
Brother Jimmy born!
chicken pox--was covered!
Starts kindergarten--4yrs (32lbs)-- 5yrs (41#), 6yrs (47#),7yrs-(55#)
loved school afer switch to afternoon class-cryed in morning class.
Moved to home in Brighton!
started Miller School grades 1st-5th!
Made life long friends "Sally and Marie"-lived in neighborhood.
First babysitting job--cousin Rob 4 months old.
Started Scranton Middle School-grades 6th to 8th
First real job "Tastee Freeze" learned how to give change
Fathers old boss owned an little ice cream shop. He taught me how to make different ice cream treats and how to give change. Only lasted two months-missed my friends and was tired of working...I did like that job! Walking distance from home. -
Worked at A&W-cooked, took orders inside and at cars
smoked cigarettes on and off with friends
enter 9th grade "High School"
tutored 8th graders in Art Class for couple months
Worked at chinese restaurant with friends-busing tables/dishes
Got drivers licence!
Started smoking cigarettes -1 to 2 packs a day
was allowed to smoke at home -
Quit High School
Gave birth to twin girls-not married Age 18
Went back to school to get GED/Diploma
Graduated with Diploma/GED
Started at Cars and Concepts Auto factory-low pay good benefits
Started at Kelsey Hayes Automotive-livable pay with benefits
bought my first home-- about a mile from my parents
still live in that same home today -
Married "Mr Niceguy"
Gave birth to Son
Gave birth to another daughter
Had tubal ligation
Mom and Dad divorced- father cheating
Mom had half lung removed-cancer from smoking
remained cancer free for 3 years --did travel to brain. -
Last Grandparent died--Moms mom, age 87, cancer
Mom and Dad remarried
Split up with husband-he moved out
Started dating future husband #2
Divorce Final
Found out mom had inoperable brain tumor
Mom died brain tumor-age 57
Best friends mom dies-like a 2nd mom to me-cancer
Twin daughters graduate
Funeral for best friends mom
Split up with boyfriend-future husband #2
First Daughter, #1 twin, leaves for college
2nd Daughter, #2 twin, moves in with boyfriend-Her future husband
Boyfriend (future husband #2) and step son move in
Father dies. Cancer from smoking. Age 62
Quit Smoking! Done for good after 25 years. Age 40
Married--2nd and last time---famous last words....
Daughter marries (2nd twin) to highschool sweatheart
1st grandchild born (stepsons) -girl (not married to mom)
found out in 2011 by DNA test she was not his daughter- we love her and always will. She does not know. -
Age 43-Plant closes down after 22 years of service! (Automotive plant)
start Ross Medical School-Medical Assistant
graduate from Ross Medical School as MA
Hired in at U of M Hosp with clinic I externed at-no benefits..yet.
Cleaning buildings at night for extra money
Daughter (1st of twins) gets married
Hired into Allergy Clinic UofM--full benefits
2nd grandchild born- boy (stepson--still not married to mom)
Son graduates
3rd grandchild born-boy (stepson still unmarried... O.O ...)
Youngest daughter (last child) graduates!
4th grandchild born-boy (my youngest unmarried daughter)-
5th grandchild born-boy (to 1st twin and husband)
6th grandchild born-girl (2nd twin and husband)
Started college to get Nursing degree-Schoolcraft (age 49)
Decided to make more money instead of working two jobs. -
Ran first Marathon--(Disneyland) Age 50
Was on my twins 31st Birthday and they came out to be with me. 1st twin ran half marathon with me day before marathon...was so much fun!! We all had a great time! -
7th grandchild born-girl (1st twin-her 2nd child)
8th grandchild born-girl (2nd twin her 2nd child)
1st twin gets divorce-
Feeding newborn in middle of night when she saw emails exchanged between her husband and another woman. She kicked him out when baby was 1 1/2 months. Very heartbreaking to see your children go through something like this. She is strong, smart, and capable...she is doing great now! -
ran 2nd marathon-didn't train well-almost killed me (won't do that again)
Ex-husband has Kidney Cancer (Sad for my 2 youngest children)
start weight lifting for life, and meditation Age 52
Finally start into nursing program at Schoolcraft Age 52
Chicago Marathon (#3) Age 52
Graduate LPN from nursing program Age 53
Ohio Marathon (#4) Age 53
Hopefully "RN"! Age 54
California Marathon (#5)
Tennesse Marathon (#6)
Undergraduate Minor in Integrative Holistic Health and Wellness
Nevada, Las Vegas, Marathon (#7)
Indiana (#8)
Work for nursing home or school -just for extra money- Age 59
New York Marathon (#9) Age 59
Alabama Marathon (#10) Age 59
60 years old and only eat healthy fruits and vegetables-no sugar ever!
Boston Marathon (11th)-- When age meets time;)--hopefully!! Age 60
Alaska Marathon (#12) Age 61
Arizonia, Sedonia, Marathon (#13)
Arkansas Marathon (#14)
had eyelids done for a more youthful look...Age 63
Colorado Marathon (#15)
Connecticut Marathon (#16)
Delaware Marathon (#17)-Age 66
Georgia Marathon (#18)
Hawaii Marathon (#19)- Age 68
Idaho Marathon (#20)
Iowa Marathon (#21)
Kansas Marathon (#22)
Retire from U of M Job. Age 72 will have 25 years in.
Start to write best selling book
Kentucky Marathon (#23)
Volunteering to help at race
Age 73. Move to Up North home for quieter life
Traveling nurse Up North! Love it!
Lousiana Marathon (#24)- Age 73
Husband and I build rental cabins on 5 of our acres. Make good money and enjoy meeting people! Family stays there when not renting out.
Age 75, swim daily in new indoor swimming pool in home up north. Room is surrounded by windows to see nature outside.
Maine Marathon (#25)
Maryland Marathon (#26)--over halfway to goal!
Minnesota Marathon (#27)- Age 76
Mississippi Marathon (#28)
Missouri Marathon (#29)
Age 80, lost a good friend to cancer-
Needed hearing aid- barely noticable and works great. Technology unbelievable.
Montana Marathon (#30)-Age 89
Nebraska Marathon (#31)
New Hampshire Marathon (#32)
New Jersey Marathon (#33)
New Mexico Marathon (#34) Age 83
North Carolina Marathon (#35)
North Dakota Marathon (#36)
Oklahoma Marathon (#37) Age 86
Oregan Marathon (#38) Age 87
Pennsylvaniz Marathon (#39)
Rhode Island Marathon (#40)- Age 89
South Carolina, Mrytle beach, Marathon (#41)
South dakota Marathon (#42)
Texas Marathon (#43) Age 92
Utah Marathon (#44)
Vermont Marathon (#45) Age 94
Virginia, Virginia beach, Marathon (#46)
Washington, Seattle, Marathon (#47)
Celebrated 56 years wedding anniversary-still happy after all these years!
Husband passes at Age 98- oldest ever in his family! Pnemonia from fishing in the cold rivers.
West Virginia (#48)- Age 97
Sell home Up North and move closer to kids, grandkids, and great-grandkids.
Will live in a trailer or a condo or possibly with one of my children. -
Wisconsin, Dells, Marathon (#49) Age 99
Wyoming Marathon (#50)-will be good time for 100year old racer! 5:45minutes
Age 101-still volunteering but only running when feeling well (1 mile or 2 )
Age 102-still healthy and taking no medications, still exercising..but slower
Age 102-am slowing down, still no meds, get around good,but not exercising much.
Weak at Age 105 -dies peacefully in sleep after fun filled Birthday party