my wonderful life

  • the day of my birth

    the day of my birth
    I was born on April 22 in hospital regional del magdalena medio
  • my first teeth

    my first teeth
    I was 1 years old when my first tooth came out
  • My first steps

    My first steps
    I was 2 years old when I started taking my first steps
  • my first year of prescool

    my first year of prescool
    I started to study my prescool in mi grangitas . When I was 5 years old
  • my first graduation

    my first graduation
    that day I graduated from prescool
  • my baptism

    my baptism
    I got my baptism in señor de los milagros church
  • my 5 primary grade

    my 5 primary grade
    that day I graduated and started a new beginning
  • my first day of classes in high school

    my first day of classes in high school
    I was 11 years old when I went to school in high school
  • my soccer family

    my soccer family
    we are very united on and off the field of play
  • my school family

    my school family
    those very united and warm