Martina's Birth
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H5btKwDA2YY Martina is born, I have decided to breast feed instead of bottle feed. One reflex in particular she has exibited is her rooting reflex. She is turning her head and opening her mouth when her cheek is touched. This helps neonates find the milk. Pg. 106 -
Solid foods
Martina has begun sampling soft solid foods. at this point Martina can sit up in her chair with blankets wraped around her back. she has interest at the dinner table in foods that everyone else is eating so she samples mashed potatoes, and mashed avacados, her gag reflex usually kicks in and a large portion of food ends up on the front of her. Pg. 136 -
Favorite toy
Martina is embracing her 8 months of age by using coordination of secondary scemes. During tummy time martina will deliberatly move her toys out of the way to get to her favorite musical rattle toy. Coordination of secondary schemes usually occurs between 8-12 months during according to out textbooks during this substage baby's action bein not by accident but as intentional goal directed behavior. Pg.149 -
Martina has begun adjusting her mood to people who are around her. For instance if there is a group of people of people who begin to laugh Martina will smile and begin to laugh as well. Pg.166 -
Martina has begun to show preference to using her left hand when coloring and feeding herself. Looks like she's a Lefty! According to our textbooks prenatally fetuses show a definite preference for sucking their left or right hand. Pg.237 -
No training wheels
Martina has finally obtained the balance needed to remove her training wheels and ride a two-wheel bike. During middle childhood children become stronger and coordination advances, they also have greater agility which allows them to move quickly and more precise. Pg. 291 -
1st Period
http://www.webmd.com/children/tc/menarche-topic-overview As Martina starts her first day of her high school career, she also recieves her first visit from Aunt Flow. Martina has reached Menarche. Pg. 343 -
Self Medicating
http://www.healthline.com/health-news/teens-use-marijuana-for-negative-moods-091514 After a rather rough break-up with her high school sweet heart Martina made a serious of bad choices, which resulted in her being arrested for being a minor in possession of marijauna. Pg. 353