
My Four Year Transition Timeline

By mlortiz
  • Before Entering High School

    Before Entering High School
    What to do before entering High School? **Be introduced to extracurricular activities
    **Together, decide which High School is best (IB school, Bilingual school, ect)
    **Select appropriate classes
    **Create a relationship with your High School
  • Freshman Year - 9th Grade

    Freshman Year - 9th Grade
    When students turn 14, a Post Transition Plan will be created to focus on future goals, plans after high school, interest and strengths. The PTP will be revised each year and it will be created with the student, family, and the entire IEP team. The PTP helps us make decisions about the student's future such as jobs, education, living situations, and skills they need for success. Skills to Expand: self-advocacy, social skills, determination, positive image, communication, leading the IEP meeting
  • Sophomore Year - 10th Grade

    Sophomore Year - 10th Grade
    What to do in the 10th grade? **Apply to DVR
    **Explore recreational activities
    **Start school-based work experiences Skills to Expand: self-advocacy, social skills, determination, positive image, communication, leading their IEP meeting
  • Junior Year - 11th Grade

    Junior Year - 11th Grade
    What to do in the 11th grade?
    **Open a case with DVR
    **Participate in CATP (maximum 4 semesters)
    **Explore adult living, vocational, and day services
    **When student turns 17, start discussing guardianship options Skills: promote indecency, daily living skills, vocational skills, and soft skills
  • Senior Year - 12th Grade

    Senior Year - 12th Grade
    What to do in the 12th grade? **Reach paid employment
    **When student turns 18, make guardianship decision
    **When student turns 18, apply for long term care (County Funding)
    **Give maximum opportunities to be independent
    **FINALIZE PTP and start to put plan in place! Skills to Expand: promote indecency, daily living skills, vocational skills, and soft skills
  • After High School

    After High School
    Students should be seeking payed employment. Collaborate with DVR to ensure employment, job coaching, or school.