My Top 10 Computer Advancements

  • Java

    Is an advancement because it was one of the first computer softwares that could be downloaded everywhere.
    Why I chose it is because a lot of things require Java and I couldn't do half the stuff I wanted to on the internet without it. ;D
  • Youtube

    A video viewer which allows people all over the world to view videos from anywhere! This creation makes it easy to listen to music, watch funny cat videos, see the newest sensation, and is a public enjoyment.
    I picked Youtube because everytime I open the web I almost always open Youtube right after Google. It's a great place to listen to music that I want to. Instead of a mix like Pandora.
  • Google

    Google was created! This was a HUGE jump in computer development. Why? Because Google, as everyone states, knows everything. It's a rapid search engine that pulls millions of sites and information all at the click of a mouse.
    Google is INSANELY important to me. Whenever I don't know something or have a question, I often find myself at google and googling it. And, after all, how many people say "Oh yeah let's go Yahoo it" ?
  • WI-FI

    WIFI was a great jump in computer development. It allowed us to access the internet from everywhere! Not just from the comfort of our homes. But from laptops, phones, etc.
    I picked this because I use WIFI everyday on my phone. I use it to help with tests, send emails, check up with friends, and, at times, I use WIFI minutes to call. It's a very important tool for me
  • Pandora

    Pandora is an internet radio that has less commercials and more music! It allows listeners to pick a certain artist, style, or certain song and the data base plays a random shuffle with songs related to whatever you pick! A huge improvement and a better way to find new music.
    I picked Pandora because if I want to listen to music without having to be constantly aware if music is playing or not, I go to Pandora. It's my second favorite music playing site, and that's only to Youtube.
  • Itunes

    Itunes was invented so you were able to store your music on your computer/laptop instead of keeping a bunch of disks. This sorted your music, allowed you to place it on your Ipod, and overall allowed you to buy music as well. Very useful!
    I picked this because this is how I store my music. I am obsessed with music and find this very useful
  • Ipod

    The Ipod was one of the first musical devices that possessed a screan that was readable and easy to follow. It also sorted music into different categories on the device- which is new.
    I picked the Ipod because I love music and the invention of the Ipod was amazing! :D
  • Iphone

    A more advanced cell phone. Allowed music, like an iphone, as well as apps, was a touch screen, was portable and was very useful. This decive cleared the way for phones everywhere!
    I picked the Iphone because I find it very useful in today's world. Instead of lugging around a laptop you just pulled out your Iphone and be done with it. It also allows you to be able to carry one device instead of many
  • Facebook

    Facebook was one of the better social medias. It makes it easy to find people, post images, talk to friends, and communicate with people. A great leap in tech.
    I picked this because I use Facebook to stay connected with my friends and family who are far away or are close. I'm not on it a lot like most teens but I use it to keep in contact with people I meet at camps or trips as well as school friends and friends that have moved.
  • Google Chrome

    Google Chrome
    A web browser run by google! This useful invention allowed those who used it to have direct access to Google! Which is the world's number one search engine! This amazing web browser is fast, smart, and keeps everything in order.
    Google chrome was picked because I adore Google and its the browser I use every day.