My Life

By Ophy
  • New cousin

    My cousin Lilly was born.
  • Little Brother

    On June 28th, my little brother Theo was born.
  • James Died

    My uncle James died on July 23rd of 2004. Everybody was pretty heartbroken.
  • Parents Got Married

    My parents got married a few months after my little brother was born.
  • New Cousin

    My cousin Jada was born.
  • Started Writing

    Around this time I started writing a lot. I'm glad I did.
  • Started Babysitting

    I started babysitting for my cousin.
  • Another New Cousin

    My aunt Sarah had another little girl named Rozalyn.
  • 2nd Baby Brother

    On July 24th, my baby brother Murphy was born in Rochester.
  • Grandma Died

    My grandma Clausonn died.
  • Suzie Died

    My aunt Suzie died after deciding to stop her chemo.
  • Bailey's Birthday

    Bailey will be turning 14 so sometime around the 27th we'll be celebrating her birthday.
  • New Years

    As always, my fmaily and I will spend New Years eve with my Aunt Sarah and her family.
  • I Can Dirve

    I'll be 14 in December, but my birthday's right around Christmas time and we're always really busy then. I'm just assuming i wont be able to test for my permit right away.
  • Dye My Hair... Again

    I'm planning on dying my hair again, but this probably won't fade for a while.
  • High School

    I'll be starting at the high school.
  • First Concert

    When I'm 15 my cousin Allison said she would take me to any concert I want so hopefully in 2017 she will.
  • Warped Tour

    When we're 18 Bailey and I are planning on going to Warped Tour to see some of our favorite bands play.
  • Lip Peircing

    When we're 18, Bailey and I are planning on getting our lips peirced together.
  • Publish A Book

    I plan on publishing a book sometime in the future.
  • Moving

    After I graduate high school I want to mive to a bigger city.