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My timeline (NISM Humanities Project)

  • I was born

    I was born
    An experience that I will never remember
  • My first plane ride

    My first plane ride
    Heading off to London
  • First day of kindergarten

    First day of kindergarten
    School? What is that? Can I eat that?
  • Piano Lessons Begin

    Piano Lessons Begin
    Learning my first instrument!
  • Graduated from Kindergarten

    Graduated from Kindergarten
    And I thought I was finally done with studies
  • Primary begins

    Primary begins
    And that is the moment I noticed I am doomed.
  • Newspaper has my face

    Newspaper has my face
    Photographers these days really hate me.
  • Heading off for competitions

    Heading off for competitions
    Representing a school is harder than it seems.
  • Secondary School

    Secondary School
    Second part of the world scariest journey
  • Going off to Nexus

    Going off to Nexus
    And here we are now.