My Timeline

  • mom bornBB

    mom bornBB
    My mom lived in ridley for all of her childhood.
  • Dad bornBB

    Dad bornBB
    My dad lived in Springfield for all of his childhood
  • My parents bought a house BB

    My parents bought a house BB
    It was in Springfield
  • Parents Marrage BB

    Parents Marrage BB
    They got married 2 years after I was born
  • My parents honeymoon BB

    My parents honeymoon BB
    At the Dominican Republic
  • When I was born

    When I was born
    I was born in the city
  • When my sister was bornAB

    When my sister was bornAB
    My sister was born in the same hospital as me.
  • Kindergarden AB

    Kindergarden AB
    I went to OLPH
  • Disney World AB

    Disney World AB
    I went to disney world when I was little
  • I fractured my foot AB

    I fractured my foot AB
    I fractured my foot playng basketball