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MY TIMELINE english III - Juan David Rodriguez Guarnizo

  • My fourth birthday

    My fourth birthday
    In that year, we celebrated my birthday with the people who were in the house, and we ate cake
  • My grandfather died :(

    My grandfather died :(
    Some years ago my grandfather died and I was very sad.
  • My first tooth fell out

    My first tooth fell out
    I cried when my first tooth fell out, because a lot of blood came out
  • First day at primary school

    First day at primary school
    I started studying at primary school, but I didn't like going to school
  • The birth of my brother

    The birth of my brother
    My brother was born 13 years ago and I was very happy
  • Trip with my family to Santa Marta

    Trip with my family to Santa Marta
    In the 2009 we went on a trip to Santa Marta because my mother's birthday was celebrated
  • My fifth grade graduation

    My fifth grade graduation
    I graduated from fifth grade together with all my classmates and we celebrated with a party
  • My high school graduation

    My high school graduation
    All my friends and I finished high school 3 years ago and we were happy because we entered the university.
  • I started my studies at university

    I started my studies at university
    At the beginning of the year 2019 I entered the university to continue studying
  • I bought my first motorcycle :)

    I bought my first motorcycle :)
    8 Months ago I bought my first motorcycle with my savings and I was very happy because it was a goal to meet the last year