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My Timeline

  • I was born

    I was born
    Today was the day were Jude would enter this wonderful world.
    i was born at 3 in the afternoon.
  • Period: to

    My Life span

    My time span.
  • I moved into the brick house

    I moved into the brick house
    I moved into one of my favorite childhood houses. that house was awesome.
  • I got Goldie

    I got Goldie
    i went to the pet store in new Hampshire and got my fish named Goldie. Goldie would live 3 years and he would make me very happy.
  • My mom broke her back

    My mom broke her back
    my mom broke her back when she was doing a cannon ball in her friends pool. she accidentally jumped in the shallow end and that how she broke her back.
  • My mom got cancer

    My mom got cancer
  • I got lily and mia

    I got lily and mia
  • my mom passed away

    my mom passed away
    my mum passed away from breast cancer
  • I got baptized and first communion

    I got baptized and first communion
    I got baptized on Easter day. with all of my family around me i got my first communion and baptized.
  • Cross country

    Cross country
  • I got gizmo and angel

    I got gizmo and angel
    i got my two cats gizmo and angel. i got them because my mom got me two cats but when my mom passed away i got these cats from my grandma.