My Timeline

  • Period: to

    MY Life

  • I was born.

  • I first traveled to Maranhão.

  • My First birthday.

  • I earned my first videogame: Playstation 1.

  • My second travel to Maranhão

  • I broken my arm.

  • I've entered in a new college: Luis Delfino

  • I've earned my new videogame: the Playstation 2

  • My first travel to Ceará

  • My thirsty travel to Maranhão

  • I've entered in a new college: Teresiano

  • My first travel to Piauí

  • I've earned my new videogame: XBOX 360

  • I've earned a Laptop was i play computer games

  • My second travel to Ceará

  • My fourthy travel to Maranão

  • My fifthy travel to Maranhão