My timeline

  • My born

    My born
    I has been born in Novo Hamburgo at september, 12 2007
  • My first bath

    My first bath
    My mom told me that in my first bath, she was so excited that she forgot to take out my socks when i go to the shower
  • My first word

    My first word
    In this specal day i say my first "word".
    My first word was CO
    I relacionated CO to football.
  • When i go to my first school

    When i go to my first school
    The first school i go is Casinha De Mel, it is in the city that i live .Estância Velha
  • My first trip

    My first trip
    My first trip, i went to gramado when i was 3 years old.
  • My first football team

    My first football team
    My first football team was the one that i most remember, because was that team that teached me to play football well.
    The name of the team is Kitalento
  • My first Console

    My first Console
    My first console was a Xbox360
  • My first phone

    My first phone
    My first phone was a MotoG3
  • My first trip out of the country

    My first trip out of the country
    My first trip out of the country was in 2018, i traveled to Punta Cana
  • When i enter in Fundação

    When i enter in Fundação
    I enter in Fundação in this crazy year so i dont have enough time to know all Fundação