My timeline

By kfarris
  • 8 months

    8 months
    At 8 months I learned how to walk
  • Kendal'lasa's first birthday

    Kendal'lasa's  first birthday
    On may 14,2003 I turned one
  • potty train

    potty train
    When I was 3i was potty trained.
  • My first dog

    My first dog
    when I was 7 I got my first dog.
  • My dog ran away

    My dog ran away
    my mom took my dog out for a walk and he never came back.
  • My first day of 7th grade

    My first day of 7th grade
    On my first day of seventh grade I was 12.
  • My first year of 8th grade

    My first year of 8th grade
    When I was 12 I started the 8th grade I was kind of nervous .
  • Trying out volleyball

    Trying out volleyball
    during 7th grade the had volleyball I was horrible but I had fun kinda.
  • I met my bestfriend

    while I was going to Riverview I met a couple new people that I still talk to today and one of them is Yassmine My bestfriend and my other close friends are ariel and teoni those ore the main people I trust
  • Birth

    I was born on May,14 2002