My Timeline

  • Birth

    I was born in Pontic MI on November 21 in 2000. When i was born it was really early in the morning.
  • Period: to


  • First injury

    First injury
    I tripped and hit my head on s break and cracked my head out, I"ll always rember this event but I'm not sure why. I was really excited to go see my cousins.
  • Getting my first sister

    Getting my first sister
    I felt like i needed to be more miture and responsable because I'm the oldest. I still have alot of responsablities.
  • Starting school

    Starting school
    I started Kindergarden and it was my never first year of school and i got to met my best friend that is stll my best friend to this day.
  • Pumpkin picking

    Pumpkin picking
    I went on a field trip with my school and got you pick my own pumpkin. Fall feild trips are my favorite.
  • Another new sister

    The presure of the new responsableities was fun brcause I was older and I could help out more.
  • Bullied

    I was bullied and it has changed how I look and treat anyone. I'll never forget how I felt when it was going on.
  • Shy

    I was never shy and I was separated from my close friends so I had to come out of my shell to make new friends.
  • My first birthday party

    My first birthday party
    Mph first birthday mad a lot of good memories. Those memories are things I'll never forget for a very long time.
  • started Middle school

    started Middle school
    i started middle school with all my friends and had alot of fun with my friends and the classes i was taking.
  • cedar point

    cedar point
    I went to cedar point for the first time and I got yo go with my new school and all the new friends I made
  • Cheerleading tryouts

    Cheerleading tryouts
    I was changing scgools and I want to tryout for the cheer team. I was really nervous I didn't know anyone but soon they became my closest friends.
  • starting a new school

    starting a new school
    I left all my friends and started a brand new school the only person i knew were the girls for tryouts and my best friends.
  • Diseny

    I went to diseny in Flordia with my family. I got to see all of my cousins that moved to Colorado because they came to Florida with us.
  • making the Holly Junior Varsity Cheer Team

    making the Holly Junior Varsity Cheer Team
    I tried out we all my friends that cheer and we all made the team and met some new people.