2008 BCE
Wen I was born
Enter to ceam ewes a very important to my life because I meet my best friends
My birthday all my birthdays are special
My personal historY
First time going to a plane -
My first time going to Acapulco
My first time going to italy
My personal history
14th November 2012 I went to preelemntary school -
My personal history
20th july 2015 going to Las Vegas alone -
Christmas 2018 it was the perfect Christmas wi went to Canada and was the Fortnite prime
Birthday number 11 I went to LA and they celebrated my birthday on the plane and all the person celebrated my birthday
Christmas 2020 they give me my first pc ganer
2021 they give my fists dog and his name is makerna
Christmas 2021 mi mom bought me a Nintendo switch