My Timeline

  • Born

    Born June 9th, 2003, Beijing China
  • First Plane Flight

    First plane flight. I was with my grandma, flying to Shen Zheng. It was the first time I left Beijing. I met my first cousin, and he greeted my with a monster mask.
  • Move to HK

    Moved to HK when I was 2. My mom found a job as a professor
  • First Time Over Seas

    Went to the first country I've ever been to besides China, Canada. I went there when I was only three, and since then, I went to one country a year, sometimes 2 countries.
  • First Laptop

    I got my first laptop. It was really small and slow, but I liked it a lot. Unfortunately, I wasn't so sure what happened. But I do remember that my mom gave that laptop to her student for research, and she never gave it back.
  • Second Laptop

    I got my second laptop, I wouldn't have put this on another laptop. But this laptop is really old, and I gave it to my grandpa. The main reason I put it on here is because it's still usable! And it's still being used by my grandpa and grandma.
  • Primrary School

    First day of primary school. It was a whole new experience for me, and I found it really interesting.
  • Getting Lost

    I got lost in the immigration when coming back to Hong Kong from Shen Zhen. I really panicked at that time. But my brain works better when I'm panicking (I don't know why), and I managed to find my parents in the end.
  • Y4 Camp

    First time I went on camp, and without my parents too. I was really excited. And for the first night, everybody in my dorm didn't sleep!
  • First iPhone

    I got my first iPhone, an iPhone 5C. I was really excited, as I always wanted an iPhone 5C
  • Period: to

    Primary to secondary

    Went from primary school to secondary school. It was a pretty big leap, but a really cool leap aswell
  • Xbox One

    I got my very first Xbox/Playstation. It's kind of weird, because you would expect most kids having a Xbox or Playstation a long time ago.